Zoning Board Notice of Decision Map 11 Lots 14 & 18 07.03.24

Case # 2024-SE-04

Map 11 Lots 14 & 18

You are hereby notified that the application for a special exception to run a seasonal wellness retreat in the Residential Rural District on property, identified as Map 11, Lots 14 & 18, located at 131 Massasecum Avenue, has been approved with the following conditions:

  1. All state and local requirements must be met for septic, water quality and stream crossing.
  2. All requirements of the Bradford Fire Chief and NH Fire Marshal must be met.
  3. This approval is for a wellness retreat only as presented to the Board on July 3, 2024. Any change in use or expansion would require another application.
  4. This approval is for five cabins holding a total of ten people in phase one, and ten cabins holding a total of twenty people total in phase two. Phase one cabins will be removed and not used during phase two. Phase two consists of 10 cabins each 10 feet by 10 feet and one 20 feet by 20 feet building.
  5. There will be no unnecessary outside lighting or sound amplification.

Date of Decision: July 3, 2024

Brooks McCandlish, Chair

Bradford Zoning Board of Adjustment


If, within one year after the granting of an appeal by the Board, any required building permit for work covered by the appeal has not been executed, then such an appeal shall become null and void except in any case where legal proceedings to the appeal shall have caused undue delay in the execution of the required building permit, or an extension has been granted by the Board of Adjustment.

(Zoning Ordinance, Article XII D.)