Select Board Minutes 08.12.24

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review Minutes of July 22, 2024

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to approve the July 22, 2024 minutes as written.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor


Walter RoyalBuilding Inspector (Permits for Map 3 Lot 15, Map 4 Lot 21, Map 10 Lot 12-A1, Map 10 Lot 5) – All approved.

Bryan Nowell – Fire Department Update:

  • Incidents: Total calls so far this year: 152. This is 35 more than this time in 2023. Total number of incidents in 2023 was 193.
  • Other items:
    • CPR training with Parks and Recreation; dry hydrant checks; hazard mitigation survey and meeting; working on driveway regulation and permitting with Highway Department; inspections/code review (place of assemblies, life safety); budget and CIP work; truck inspection and annual maintenance. Water sampling and testing – all safe; fixing dry hydrants.
  • New Fire Truck: Equipping is in process. Celebration of arrival in Bradford is being planned.

Henniker Rescue Contract:

The Board reviewed the contract.

Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Select Board approve entering into an Ambulance Service Agreement with the Town of Henniker, contingent on approval of the Agreement by the Attorney General, as required by RSA 53-A:3, V.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, All in favor

  • Campers Being Used as Residences: Bryan expressed concern about campers being used as residences as it complicates the response of Fire/Rescue when they receive a call that lacks a specific address. The Board, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Road Agent discussed the issues involved in enforcing the building code. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
  • Budget: Overall remaining budget for Fire and Rescue department is 47%.

Ed Shaughnessy – Police Department Update:

  • Incidents: 521 calls for service since last meeting; 2665 calls so far in 2024, about 5% more than 2023.
  • As of August 1st, $3500 has been used from the 2024 Highway safety patrol grant of $8200. This grant pays the cost of patrols done when conducting special patrol efforts such as DWI, Hand-Free, etc. Ed has applied for $8200 for 2025. Reimbursement for first two quarters has been received.
  • Trainings will continue when force returns to full employment.
  • Vacations are being covered by other officers. There was a discussion of paying overtime vs. vacation coverage.
  • Updating PD town ordinances is in process with a draft to be submitted to the Board for approval.
  • Relative to the CIP: Replacement of cruisers. Ed has information on replacement of cruisers relative to the CIP. The new cruiser, approved at Town Meeting, will hopefully be available in October.
  • Work has started on the 2025 budget. So far looking flat. Less than 1% increase at this point.

Steve Hall – Road Agent:

  • Culvert work for West Road and Fairgrounds Road has been completed. Paving will start mid-September.
  • Ditching and graveling dirt roads.
  • Hazard Mitigation meetings.
  • Equipment inspections are upcoming.
  • Budget and CIP work in progress. Backhoe needs significant repairs from normal wear and tear.
  • About 41% of budget remains.
  • There was discussion of compensation for highway employees for being available for work during winter plowing season.

Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Board approve a $50/week stipend for November 1 to April 1 for full-time highway personnel.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

  • Steve stated that his part-time person would not be available this winter and asked for the Board’s support in filling the position. The Board agreed.
  • Steve would like guidance in how to approach budgeting for operating expenses vs. CIP planning for expenses.

Public Input: None

Regular and Old Business:

Independence Day Celebration re-visit: Last year’s fireworks amount could be refunded or rolled over. Marlene stressed the need to contract for a specific date and rain date. Marlene agreed to work with P&R to plan the dates.

Expense Review: Chip requested that all the information relative to the Town Hall invoice be received before payment is made. Consensus is overall expenses are in line with budget.

2025 Budget – Preliminary Thoughts: Beth reported on research she had done comparing towns within the KRSD.

Update on Goals:

Marlene: Printing of Town Report. Will report at the next meeting.

Beth: Shared drafts financial policies and samples from other towns with Board members.

Fuel Bid: Bradford is joining with Sutton and Warner to bid heating oil and propane. Requests for bids have been sent to vendors. Karen requested authority to lock in a rate when the fuel prices are most favorable. Consensus authorized Karen to lock in the price.

Masonic Building Contract: Signed by Board.

Revaluation Contract: Has been reviewed by the Dept. of Revenue. The contract was signed by the Board. Price is the same as was given in for 2024.

Consider Bond for Timber Operation (Map 9 Lot 38): Board agreed to require a bond of $9,850.

Facilities Use Forms: Drafts were approved by consensus of the Board: Town Counsel will review the liability language.

Class VI Road Update: Attorney is reviewing the proposed Class VI ordinance.

New Business:

Review Application for Property Tax Credit: The application was declined as it did not meet the requirements.

Sign Driver’s Ed Lease, BACC: Chip and Beth signed.

Sign Driveway Permits Map 22 Lot 28, Map 4 Lot 5: Signed by Board

Sign Intent to Cut Map 4 Lot 5: Signed by Board

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature: Signed by Board.

Motion: Chip Meany moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Upcoming meeting:      August 26, 2024

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary