Facilities Use Committee Minutes 08.15.24

The meeting came to order at 8:32 AM. Present were Bruce Gezelman (chair), Scott McCaskill, Karen Hambleton, Andrew Pinard, and Chip Meany (joined at 8:40). Janet Bauer was also in attendance.

The minutes from the July 31, 2024 meeting were approved.

Andrew presented a Google Document based on the forms that the committee had created, and that the Select Board had accepted at a meeting earlier in the week. The document he presented was an on-line application form, and he went through it line by line.

Under the “Type of Organization” section, there was some discussion of what constitutes a “town organization”, or a “non-profit” organization, of how to classify different organizations, and what criteria to apply. No decisions were reached; this will probably be a topic for future discussion.

Bruce brought up the need to advertise the availability of the spaces for rent, and there was discussion about this. The town web site, and local papers, are obvious places. Andrew will reach out to the Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce to let them know there are spaces available.

There was discussion of the types of activities that would be appropriate for the BACC. It was suggested that the Committee might solicit input from the community in the form of a survey. Andrew and Karen will work on this.

Andrew spoke about grants, grant applications, and grant writers. He noted that funding may be available from the USDA and from various foundations. Karen spoke about the nature of fund raising, and the special skills required. Andrew noted that engaging the services of a professional grant writer would be more likely to secure funding, than trying to do it ourselves. He moved that the Committee recommend to the Select Board, that a $1 line item be added to the budget, to secure the services of a grant writer. Scott seconded; the Committee voted 5-0 in favor.

There was discussion of the fitting out of the Town Hall 2nd floor. It was generally agreed that rental would be advisable for non-theater seating. Rental is possible for theater seating until the Town has acquired its own. Given the rates we will be charging, some groups may be willing to contribute toward improvements.

The meeting adjourned at 9:38.

Submitted by Scott McCaskill