Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Committee Minutes 08.14.24

Meeting was called to order at 7:01.

Review and consideration of the July 17, 2024 minutes.

Motion to accept: Laurie Colburn

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Abstain: Pam Bruss, Caleb Connor

Decision: 5-0

Karen shared an email from the Library stating that they would like to keep the $10,000 for carpeting in the CIP (it has been pushed forward a few times) and would like to add $3,000 for painting. Pam stated that the painting is not within the CIP parameters and will reach out to the library about that as well as get a realistic timeline on the carpet replacement.

Police Department: Ed Shaughnessy, Police Chief

Ed said that there is nothing new to add to the CIP but did want to discuss vehicle replacement schedule. Ed described the challenges of ordering the new SUV’s and the price increases.

Mel asked about the mileage at turn in. Ed replied that the cars are turned in with 125,000-140,000 miles at 6 years. Ed described why he feels that 6 years is a reasonable timeline due to the potential repairs.

The group discussed the possibility of cutting back the mileage. The group discussed the extra mileage of the officers taking the cars home as opposed to leaving at the Police Station. Ed explained the gas budget.

The group discussed saving money for a future police facility.

Ed discussed communication equipment and the funds needed to keep up with equipment replacement. There should be funds available when needed. The group discussed where the equipment fund should be: the operating budget or the CIP.

The group discussed the differences in the Police Equipment Fund and the Communications Fund.

Highway Department: Steve Hall, Road Agent

Steve explained the items he wants to add to the current CIP.

Karen gave an update on the capital reserve funds related to the Highway Department.

Caleb asked about available Highway Block grants. Karen explained how Bradford has traditionally used the Highway Block grants.

The group discussed the difference between purchasing a used roadside mower for $50,000 or possibly sharing this equipment with another town.

Mel brought up the idea of comparing the cost of buying a new piece of equipment versus used.

Steve brought up gravel and the group discussed whether it should be part of the operating budget or the CIP.

Steve explained the process of replacing bridges. We need to replace a few and the permitting alone is $40,000 to $60,000 per bridge. Pam asked for a specific plan for the repair and replacement of bridges and culverts.

Fire Department: Bryan Nowell, Fire Chief

Bryan described to the group the substantial funding he has received through donations and grants as well as the additional grants he has applied for.

In addition to the current items in the CIP, he would like to add SBA equipment.

Bryan explained how he is trying to phase these replacements so there is not a big expense in one year. He has applied for a FEMA grant to replace the SBA and is ordering 3 replacements now.

Mel asked about mutual aid with surrounding towns.

Bryan brought up the Fire Station furnace replacement. It was noted that we have an emergency building repair fund for items like that.

Laurie spoke about a fund set up for emergency repairs.

Motion to adjourn: Beth Downs

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: 7-0 in favor

Meeting adjourned at 9:58

Next scheduled meeting will be August 28, 2024 at 6 PM (instead of 7 PM) at the Town Hall

Respectfully submitted, Carol Troy