Energy Committee Minutes 08.20.24

In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Laura Ryder, Susan Reeder Moss, Marlene Freyler. (Jenny Locke-Howley on vacation)

Review and approval of July Minutes

  • Community Power Update
    • New rate card from the Community Power Coalition has been printed with rates for 8/1/24-1/31/25. The base rate is now 8.6 cents/kwh. (Eversource is charging 10.403 cents/kwh.) Rate cards will be placed around town: Post Office, Library, Town Hall, Sweet Beet, BACC, etc.

This info was also published in the August Bradford Bridge. Residents may opt to purchase higher percentages of their energy from renewable sources by contacting CPCNH at: or 1-866-603-7697.

  • Municipal Weatherization Status
    • Fire Station Update. Awaiting an anticipated rebate of $11,871.50 from NHSaves.
  • Solar Energy
    • Laura announced a letter writing campaign to oppose unfavorable changes in net metering being planned by the Public Utilities Commission. She is sending the template to our committee.
    • Template for the letter is attached below. Must do by August 30th.
  • Heat Pumps
    • The mini-splits were installed at the Fire Station in July, providing much needed AC for the summer. (They will also provide the heat source in the cold months.)        
  • New Hampshire Network Update. See 3.a

Representative Caplan may be resubmitting NH 2023 HCR5: “A RESOLUTION urging the taking of appropriate legal action against multinational fossil fuel companies for harms incurred from disinformation campaigns about the effects of fossil fuel combustion.” The House ruled 2023-03-10 – Inexpedient to Legislate.

According to John Gage of Citizen’s Climate Lobby “New Hampshire should join the list of states suing fossil fuel industry players (and the front groups) for damages for their fraudulent activities.  In addition to financial redress, the state should revoke the fossil fuel industry’s social license to advertise and fund issues and political campaigns directly or indirectly.  It should also hold the front groups and PR firms that take direct and indirect fossil fuel industry funding and promote disinformation about climate science and policies accountable for the costs of the delay their activities caused.

The fossil fuel industry-funded disinformation and propaganda about climate change and solutions have confused the public, misled politicians, and distorted political campaigns, delaying responsible and necessary legislation at the federal and state levels. The fraud continues today, pushing us further down a slope of worse and more expensive consequences.  It is leading New Hampshire to make decisions that benefit the fossil fuel industry but harm New Hampshire’s citizens, businesses, economy, natural resources, and wildlife.“           

  • BEC Public Outreach
    • The August Bridge published Bradford Community Power Fall 2024 Competitive Rates & Energy Options. See 1a.
    • Corrections to Demystifying the Residential Energy Tax Credits was published in the August Bridge.
    • We don’t have committee availability this year to offer a child centered activity at the Sweet Beet Community Fair in September.
  • Proposed articles for September Bridge
    • Notice regarding 2024 Electric Vehicle Expo on September 29, 2024 at the New London Historical Village.
    • Jenny and Susan are still planning to work on an article on issues and choices to be made in hiring a company to install home solar and scams to be avoided for a future issue.
  • Other Items
    • Update on Group Net Metering. See 3a.
    • Feasibility of Recycling Styrofoam. Through community initiatives, New London has run collection days for polystyrene at their transfer station for delivery to the densifying plant in Guilford, NH. From there it goes to a company in Canada to be made into building products.

Lebanon has also collected Styrofoam. We will look into the feasibility of having a collection day in 2025 in conjunction with Earth Day. We are also contacting Naughton to see how they handle Styrofoam.

  • We are looking into NH Saves programs for local businesses.
    • To assist town departments in their planning for future electric powered equipment and vehicles, we need to talk to each department about their needs. Some items are in the CIP. Smaller items such as rechargeable tools could also be recommended.
    • Susan will look into the progress being made into making the Inflation Reduction Act funds available through the Rewiring America program. Each state creates the programs for administration of the program to help residents with a wide range of energy saving measures.
  • Conclude – Next meeting: September 17, 2024   5-6pm, Town Hall.
This is important. The future of solar in NH is at stake. Please take a moment to read, act, and forward. Apologies if you’ve already seen this.   What’s Happening:The NH Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is holding hearings this week on net metering. Clean Energy NH has reason to believe the PUC will soon issue an Order that guts or even ends the NH net metering program. This could immediately halt solar development and impact ALL future solar projects in New Hampshire.   This 2-minute video from Sam Evans-Brown explains it fairly well.   What You Can Do: (It’ll take you 3 minutes!) Send an email (use this template) to the Governor, PUC, and NH Department of Energy. Send it by August 30, the sooner the better. Forward this email to anyone who might share our concern.  The goal here is volume. If you are on an energy committee, there’s no need to get your selectboard to approve a formal letter (unless you particularly want to). It would be better if every person on your energy committee sent a brief letter as a private citizen and encouraged others to do the same. Emails can come from anyone (e.g. private citizens, towns, business owners).   Now What? A sandstorm of emails (including yours) over the next two weeks will hopefully influence a “less bad” outcome from the PUC. This is one part of a broader effort, including pressure on the PUC from larger, more influential stakeholders. Looking ahead, Clean Energy NH and a broad group of stakeholders are preparing for legislative action early in 2025 to stabilize and/or bring back net metering. Subscribe to Clean Energy NH’s monthly e-newsletter to stay informed as all this unfolds.    Want More Detail?Visit Clean Energy NH’s Net Metering Info Page. If you still have questions, reach out to Chris Skoglund, Director of Regulatory Affairs, at or 603-573-9926 x702.