Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Committee Minutes 08.28.24

Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair, Pam Bruss, Mel Pfeifle, Caleb Connor, Beth Downs, Select Board Representative, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Member Absent: Laurie Colburn

Others Present: Bryan Nowell, Fire Chief, Ed Shaughnessy, Police Chief, Steve Hall, Road Agent

Meeting was called to order at 6:02.

Review and consideration of the August 14, 2024 minutes.

Motion to accept: Beth Downs

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 6-0

Police Department: Ed Shaughnessy, Police Chief

Ed had a question about capital reserve funds related to the Police Department. He brought up savings for vehicles and noted that last year we changed the savings amount from $20,000 per year to $10,000 per year. He felt that with this schedule we would come up short money when it was time to replace vehicles. Pam explained that the balance would be made up through taxation. Mel and Ed discussed trade in values.

The group discussed a future police facility and the possibility of taking a town owned building and the potential costs of retrofitting to house a police facility.

Pam explained how putting all the funding requests into the CIP spreadsheet affected the tax rate if the funding requests were kept in the year requested.

Pam reported that she had spoken with the Library and that weatherization has been completed but carpet still needs to be replaced and that will likely take place in 2026.

Highway Department: Steve Hall, Road Agent

Mel asked how much paving has been done. Steve noted that 1 and 3/4 miles of road had been paved. Steve explained how much was spent and how much was done. Beth questioned the equipment and if money could be taken from the equipment fund to be used toward paving.

Pam showed the edits for 2025 and that gravel had been removed from the CIP since it should be part of the operating budget.

Steve explained his equipment needs and the risk of operating used equipment.

The group discussed the roadside mower and the difference between doing the mowing in house versus hiring that task out.

Fire Department: Bryan Nowell, Fire Chief

Bryan explained that he has applied for a FEMA grant for the SCBA replacement but has not yet received a response from FEMA.

Karen suggested that we plan for the SCBA replacement costs without the grant money so that we are prepared if we do not receive the grant money.

Bryan explained the replacement of the Fire Department gear as the current gear contains PFAS. There is currently no gear being manufactured without PFAS.

The group discussed the future planning and the need for a specific plan from each department.

The group discussed the future meeting schedule and it was decided that the schedule will be: Wed Sept 25 at 6:00 PM, Tues Oct 8 at 6:00 PM and the presentation of the CIP to the Planning Board at a public hearing at the Planning Board’s Oct 22 meeting at 7:00 PM. The Select Board and Budget Committee will be invited to attend the public hearing.

Motion to adjourn: Beth Downs

Second: Pam Bruss

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Next scheduled meeting will be September 25, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Town Hall

Respectfully submitted, Carol Troy