Cemetery Trustees Minutes 08.21.24

Start Time:  4:07 PM
End Time:  5:03 PM  
Meeting Attendees:Marlene Freyler Sheila Denoncourt Dawn Gezelman  
Next Meeting:September 18 @ 4:00 PM  
Group DiscussionProposed 2025 Cemetery Rules and Regulations were reviewed and revised for a final time. Dawn Gezelman will forward the final version to Karen Hambleton and request that Karen add this to the Selectmen’s meeting agenda within 30-days. Dawn Gezelman will create a list of Town website updates, regarding the Cemetery and Board of Cemetery Trustees, that are required to be made, and will submit said request to Karen Hambleton. Dawn Gezelman and Marlene Freyler will email all Trustees with the cemetery assessments completed to date. These assessments will be reviewed and prioritized at the September meeting. A specific date to clean the headstones will be decided at the September meeting.


Dawn GezelmanFinalize 2025 Rules and Regulations. Send same to Karen Hambleton and request this be added to the Selectmen’s meeting within the next 30-days. She will create a list of Town website updates, regarding the Cemetery and Board of Cemetery Trustees, that are required to be made, and will submit said request to Karen Hambleton.
Marlene FreylerWill contact Cornerstone Repair to schedule headstone repair in 2025.
Dawn Gezelman / Marlene FreylerThey will email all Trustees with the cemetery assessments completed to date. Will contract several tree services to obtain estimate for tree work in various cemeteries.