Select Board Minutes 09.09.24

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review Minutes of August 26, 2024

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to accept the minutes as written.

Second: Chip  Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Public Hearing – Receipt of Personal Property

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to open the public hearing at 6:03 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Board accept personal property in the form of two BKR 9000 multi-band portable radios with options and accessories valued at $12,266.80 per RSA 31:95-e from BK Technologies, Inc.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to close the public hearing at 6:05 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor


Walter Royal – Building Inspector (Permits for Map 9 Lot 5, Map 2 Lot 24, Map 6 Lot 44, Map 10 Lot 20 Sub A), all approved.

Discussion of full-time residence in moveable/accessory dwellings on a property.

This topic was brought to the attention of the Select Board by Fire Chief Bryan Nowell out of concern for locating properties during an emergency call. The discussion encompassed zoning regulations regarding recreational vehicles and non-permanent structure usage as full-time residences on Bradford properties. Walter Royal, Building Inspector, Police Chief Shaughnessy, and Road Agent Steve Hall were present for the discussion. Bryan stressed that this concern was in no way a judgement of living choices. His intent is to make sure that the living environments are safe and that safety equipment can find structures in case of an emergency. Suggestions discussed for beginning the enforcement of the related zoning regulations were: Reach out to the NH Municipal Association list serve to see how other towns are handling the issue; public notice in newspaper; notice enclosed in tax bills. Karen will draft one notice to be used in all communications and circulate it to have it ready for voting at the next Select Board meeting on September 23.

Bryan Nowell – Fire Department Update

Incidents: Year to date: 169. This is a 23% increase from this time in 2023. Total incidents in 2023 were 193. Since August 12 there have been 18 incidents: 12 EMS calls and 6 fire calls.

From Chief Nowell’s report:

  • The new fire engine has arrived. Stay tuned for an announcement of a celebration where Fire Department members push the new engine into the station.
  • A Red Cross blood drive will take place on September 24, noon-4:30.
  • BFD ran a building evacuation at the Elementary School in Bradford
  • Work on the hazard mitigation plan continues.
  • BFD will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs at the Bradford Center Meetinghouse on September 21.
  • Grant applications to FEMA for approximately $300K are pending notification.
  • BFD was awarded two portable radios valued at approximately $12,300.
  • Overall, the remaining budget for 2024 is 39.59%.

Ed Shaughnessy – Police Department Update

  • Total calls year to date are 2,979. Total motor vehicle stops year to date are 507, an increase from 332 year to date in 2023. Total accidents are down in 2024. Chief Shaughnessy attributes this to an increase in police presence on Bradford roads.
  • The new cruiser is in, registered and is being outfitted with radar and radio. Upfitting is scheduled. The old cruiser is expected to go to auction in October.
  • Chief Shaughnessy has been attending Capital Improvement Plan meetings to schedule expenditures for future vehicles, a building fund, and equipment fund.
  • With about 33% of 2024 remaining, the Police Department has 36% of their budget left. Large line-item of equipment, supply and training spending has been waiting to get through most of the year before processing.

Steve Hall – Road Agent

  • The Highway Department has been pulling rocks out of Fairgrounds Road and Center Road and replacing pipes on Cressy and West Meadow Roads.
  • Steve has asked an engineer to prepare a rough plan for the West Main Street culvert by the Fire Station.
  • Equipment repairs are in process.
  • Steve and the Board discussed a culvert issue on Pleasant View Road.
  • The 2024 Highway budget has about 32% remaining.

Bruce Gezelman – Economic Development Committee

  • Bruce discussed updating the Town’s website platform. Karen reported that substantial research has been done and that money is budgeted for the update.
  • The idea of having a video to use to present the attributes of Bradford was discussed.

Public Input: None

Regular and Old Business:

August Expense Review: Consensus is expenses are on track.

Town Hall Figures: Karen gave the Board of report of revenue and expenditures relative to the renovation of the Town Hall.

Historical Society Easement Update:

The Board received a draft of the easement for Town-owned property being used by the Bradford Historical Society. The Board has questions about how future changes to the property will be handled. Karen suggested that the easement include language regarding following appropriate zoning and planning ordinances.

Henniker Rescue Agreement Update:

The Board approved three additional expense categories (Fire/Rescue IT, Rescue Stipend and Rescue-Retirement) be added to Henniker Rescue Agreement.

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to add three categories of expenses, Fire/Rescue IT, Rescue Stipend, and Rescue-Retirement, to the Henniker Rescue Agreement.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

New Business:

2025 Cemetery Rules and Regulations: Dawn Gezelman reported to the Board on changes to the rules and regulations for the cemeteries. Board discussed changes. Dawn will make alterations and give regulations to the Board.

Shredder Donation: The Board accepted a donation of a shredder from Carey and Beth Rodd.  

Map Donation: A map that the Scheffys have offered to donate to the Town was discussed.

The Appointment for Conservation Commission Alternate was signed.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature. Signed.

Next Board Meeting, September 23, 2024. October meetings: October 7 and 21.

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, All in favor

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary