Planning Board Minutes 08.27.24

Call to Order and Roll Call, 7:01 pm: Members present: Katie Olohan, Carol Troy, Rich Olohan, Carol Meise, Chip Meany (Selectmen’s Rep), Shanna Griffin

To Do:

Review & Consideration of the July 27, 2024 minutes.

Discussion: Katie commented that a septic plan was also submitted to the Site Plan for the Fisherfield apartment condo conversion Map 16 Lots 73, 77 & 82 and should be included in the minutes.

Motion: Carol Troy made a motion to accept the meeting minutes from July 31, 2024 with changes as discussed.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 5-0, All in favor

Public Hearing:  None


  • Debra and James Six regarding possible subdivision at 41 Fairgrounds Road, Map 2, Lot 20. A realtor and Debra and James Six appeared to consult with the Board about subdividing their property to accommodate their daughter building a home. Katie and the Board explained that a surveyor will be needed to supply a map of the property to be recorded with the registry of deeds in Concord. If a variance is needed for road frontage an application for variance will need to be submitted to the Zoning Board. When the variance is approved, the application for subdivision will be made to the Planning Board.

Unfinished Business: 

  • Mapping update/Masterplan – tabled
  • Short Term Rental/Tiny home ordinance – Key take aways from this discussion:
    • Short-term rentals and a tiny home ordinance are two separate items. Short-term rentals are happening in Bradford without incident.
    • The concern with tiny home building is the possibility of cluster housing. With the present housing shortage cluster housing could be a possibility.
    • Katie commented that it would be a good idea for the Planning Board to be ahead of cluster housing possibilities with an ordinance in place.
    • Consensus of the Board is that this is a topic to get in front of.
  • Site Plan Fisherfield apartment condo conversion Map 16 Lots 73, 77 & 82. Comments from Town Counsel have been received. The process is moving forward.
  • Drafted driveway permit standards for review. Comments:
  • References to Newbury need to be edited for Bradford.
    • Page 5: Paved apron requirement. Katie asked if the five-foot apron is required for existing stone driveways. This ordinance would apply to new construction. Carol Troy and Carol Meise suggested that this be omitted.
    • Ordinance needs to distinguish between new driveway and modification.
    • Are the special requirements for temporary access roads, for example, logging.
    • Should a bond be required of loggers for road damage?
    • Katie will send comments and edits to the Highway Dept. so that a final draft can be submitted and reviewed by the Planning Board and then the Select Board.

Public Comments: None

New Business:

  • CIP Update: Carol Troy reported that on August 14th the Highway, Police and Fire departments attended the meeting to give expenditure information. The next meeting is August 28th and another on September 11th at which time the next meeting will be scheduled. Some members are optimistic that the new plan will be set in October. Chip suggested that a representative from KRSD be part of the CIP discussions so that Bradford taxpayers can have an idea of future expenditures. Carol will take this suggestion to the members.
  • Carol Meise reported that meetings on the Surface Water Overlay District are proceeding. There is a draft that is streamlined and a map. A new document will come to the Planning Board, then go to Town Counsel.           

Planning Board Communications: None

The next Planning Board meeting will be held on September 24th, 2024 at 7:00 pm via the ZOOM platform and at the Town Offices, in person.


Motion: Carol Meise moved to adjourn the meeting.

Decision: 6-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary, from Town Hall Streams video recording of August 27, 2024.