Budget Committee Minutes 09.19.24

Present: Jen Richardson (Chair), Justin Dohrn, Dawn Gezelman, Tim McKenna, Kim Firth, Beth Downs (Select Board Representative)

Absent: Laurie Colburn

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm

Review Minutes from July 25, 2024 meeting

Motion: Beth Downs moved to approve the July 25, 2024 minutes as written.

Second: Justin Dohrn

Discussion: The Committee discussed the statement in the minutes, “Jen asked about how the fireworks expenditure would be handled since the cancellation of the 2024 display. Beth reported that the expenditure and donations would be rolled into 2025.” This statement is incorrect. Karen corrected this saying that the refund will return to the fund balance. The Budget Committee can recommend to the Select Board that the amount be used in 2025. Donors are being contacted to see if they would like a refund or to keep the donation with the Town for next year’s event.

Decision: 6-0, all in favor of approving minutes with the corrected statement about the fireworks expenditure.

Review of Budget and Expenditures

Laurie had a question about the overage on the elections line. Erica Gross explained that there was an expenditure for tables and chairs to be used during the election. At the BACC the tables and chairs belonged to Driver’s Education.

Tim asked about over budget expenditures in the building code enforcement. Karen explained that there has been a high volume of building permits requested.

Dawn asked about contract services on the Highway budget. Steve Hall explained this was due to the roadside mowing done this year for one-half of the town.

Dawn asked about expenditures for the conservation commission. Karen explained that this was for trail work and maps.

Jen asked about expenses for patriotic purposes since the celebration was cancelled. Karen explained that this covered flags, and police detail during the morning bicycle parade, and that the fireworks refund hadn’t been received yet.

Laurie asked Steve Hall if he had any concerns about finishing the year within the budget. Steve replied that this year should be okay and mentioned that there will be upscaled requests for next year.

Expense Review to Date

The consensus of the Committee is that expenses are generally in line with the budget.

Other Business

Set Schedule for Budget Meetings: Meetings are held on Thursdays at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.

November 7th – Appearances for budget review: Police & Fire, Parks and Rec., Library

Tim asked that the Library present a line-item proposal for 2025 with 2024 budget and actuals and budget and actuals for 2023. Previously the Library submitted a bottom-line request. Jen said she would convey this to the Library.

November 21st – Appearances for budget review: Highway, Transfer Station, Executive, Town


December 12th – Call backs

January 16th – Warrant Article review

January 30th – 6:30 pm, Budget Committee meeting; Public Hearing at 7:00 pm.

The last day to hold hearing is February 14th. Budget is due to the Select Board February 19th.

Finalize Survey/Questionnaire

New RSA information was presented relevant to how a survey can be distributed and data collected from the public. The statute states that the Select Board, not a town committee, will distribute information to and gather data from the public. There was consensus on the committee of the final survey. Kim will send the final to the Select Board for discussion at their meeting on Monday, September 23.

Discuss Possible School Board Meeting

Action item: Kim will reach out to Eric Gregoire, School Board Rep from Bradford to see if he can meet with Budget Committee and/or the Select Board.

Karen presented spreadsheets showing town, local education, county, and state education tax rates from 2009 to 2024. She also presented a sheet showing operating budget expenditures for each budget category for the years 2018 to 2024. The Committee discussed the revaluation ratio and how valuation of town property impacts the town tax rate. There was also a discussion of the percentage increases/decreases in some of the budget categories.


Motion: Justin Dohrn moved to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Kim Firth

Decision: 6-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary