Announcement: Select Board Statement on Moveable, Non-Permanent Accessory Dwellings 09.30.24

September 30, 2024

The Select Board is initiating an effort to educate and inform residents about the Town’s regulations concerning movable, non-permanent accessory dwellings on a property. This is the result of a growing number of recreational vehicles, campers and other non-permanent structures being used as residences in Bradford and the various safety concerns that emerge from such usage. The Town’s Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section F states:

F. Temporary Structures:

1. The Board of Selectman may approve the temporary use of a trailer or mobile home to be

maintained as living quarters by a person employed in adjoining construction work or for whom

a residence is being built, or as an office, storeroom or shop in connection with construction

work, provided that such use is only during the period the construction work is in progress. The

use will confirm with the sanitary protection requirements of the State of New Hampshire.

Permits shall be issued by the Board of Selectman for a six-month period, renewable upon

request if warranted.

2. Any property owner or lessee may accommodate one (1) trailer or mobile home of a non-paying

guest for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days in any one (1) year.

Additionally, the Town’s Mobile Homes and Trailers Ordinance, found on the Town’s website at defines a trailer as follows:

A “Trailer” is a mobile unit equipped with, or without, sanitary facilities. A trailer shall also mean Tent Trailers, Truck Campers or other sleeping facilities other than a mobile home.

The Ordinance continues and in Section IV reads:


1.         No trailers shall be used as a permanent dwelling. Any person(s) residing in a trailer for more than 90 days in one calendar year shall be in violation of this paragraph. Any person(s) in violation of paragraph 1 of this section, prior to adoption of this Ordinance, is exempt from the same.

2.         Wastewater, refuse and garbage shall be disposed of in such a way as not to create a nuisance or health hazard.

The Board is concerned about the health and well-being of all Bradford residents. As such, the Board is considering enforcement options and will work to assist property owners in understanding and abiding by the Town’s adopted regulations.

If you have any questions about the Town’s regulations concerning movable/accessory dwellings on a property, please reach out to the Select Board Office at 938-5900 for assistance.