Call to Order and Roll Call: Attending: In person Carol Troy, Shanna Griffin, Steve Chase (seated for Rich Olohan), Chip Meany, Select Board representative. On Zoom: Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn
Also attending: Matt Monahan
Review & Consideration of the October 22, 2024 minutes.
Motion: Carol Meise moved to accept the October 22, 2024 minutes as written.
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
Reschedule the December Planning Board Meeting:
Motion: Carol Meise moved to change the meeting date for the December Planning Board meeting from December 24 to December 17, 2024.
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
Motion: Carol Meise moved to hold a public hearing for the Surface Water Overlay District on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
Public Hearing: 2025 Capital Improvement Plan. Public hearing opened at 7:06 pm. Pam Bruss of the Capital Improvement Program Committee gave an overview of the 2025 plan.
The Highway Department plan regarding backhoe replacement is unclear due to indecision about leasing or purchasing front line equipment. Currently the backhoe needs $60,000 in repairs. Pam recommends repairing the backhoe and establishing a plan for replacing highway equipment.
The Fire Department plan. An amount of $165,000 for SCBA equipment replacement was not in the plan in anticipation of the receipt of a grant. The grant will not be received. Bryan Nowell, Bradford Fire Chief, explained he will be reapplying for the same grant.
Change in CIP proposal. Pam Bruss proposed $50,000 for the Fire Department to start some of the SCBA bottle replacements, $60,000 for the Highway Department for repair of the backhoe, and $90,000 for Highway Department heavy equipment in anticipation of a heavy equipment plan. Pam asked for questions: Mel Pfeifle asked a question that began a discussion of the allocation of funds for maintenance and paving of roads and maintenance and purchasing of highway equipment.
Trust Fund Balance. Pam reported that the trust fund balance has decreased over time to pay for unplanned expenses.
Motion: Laurie Colburn moved to accept the 2025 CIP with the following changes: increase of $50,000 for SCBA apparatus; an increase to $80,000 for the 2015 Town Equipment Repair Expendable Trust Fund, and an increase to $110,000 for the 2020 Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
Public hearing for the adoption of the CIP closed at 7:32 pm.
Gary Wall. Clarification of Change of Use application required for rental of building previously used by WALCO, 64 High Street, Bradford. Gary Wall appeared to inform the board of the use of the building over 30 years. On the basis of this information, he asked the Board to reconsider the Change of Use requirement. Matt Monahan read the criteria that indicated a “substantial” change in use. The next step is for Gary Wall to meet with Matt Monahan to move forward with a rental.
Unfinished Business:
Update on Site Plan Fisherfield apartment condo conversion Map 16 Lots 73, 77 & 82. Escrow balance payment is due. The mylar will be reviewed by Matt Monahan on December 4. Matt will confirm the final payment amount. Plans have been left in the Select Board office.
Status of Surface Water Overlay District. Documents forwarded to town counsel. Schedule for public hearing. Previous motion made to hold public hearing on December 17, 2024. Matt will get documents to Karen.
Public Comments:
New Business: Conditional Use Permit for Map 6, Lot 26 awaiting feedback from Conservation Commission. This will probably be taken up at the next meeting.
Steve Chase commented that he will not be available in person for several months. He could be available online.
Motion: Steve Pierce motioned to adjourn the meeting
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm
Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary