Zoning Board Minutes 01.08.25

7:03 pm. Open and roll call: Present: Brooks McCandlish (Chair), Nathanial Bruss, Jim Varney, Bill Duffy.

Also attending, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review and approval minutes of December 4, 2024 meeting

Motion: Bill Duffy moved to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2024 meeting as written.

Second: Nathanial Bruss

Decision: 4-0 all in favor

Receipt of applications: None

Appearance: Todd Wilkinson (via Zoom) had questions about lot line adjustment for Map 3, Lots 35 and 35-1, 2552 State Route 103. After reviewing the drawings and explanation given by Mr. Wilkinson the Board advised him to submit an application for a variance. If approved, he would then apply for a lot line adjustment through the Planning Board.

New business: None.

Communications and miscellaneous:

Board member terms:

William Duffy term expires 2027

Laura Beaton term expires 2025

Brooks McCandlish term expires 2025: Brooks stated that he would be willing to fill one more term.

Nathanial Bruss term expires 2026

Jim Varney term expires 2026

Those planning to run for a Town board this year should sign up with the Town Clerk:

Wed 1/22 12-5pm

Thurs 1/23 10am-7pm 

Tues 1/28 8am -12; 1-4pm

Wed 1/29 12-5pm

Thurs 1/30 12-7pm

Fri 1/31 3-5pm (Only for board sign ups)

Planning Lunches at Noon on January 16th at 12:00 pm  (click on link to register or view recording afterwards)


Motion: Bill Duffy moved to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Jim Varney

Decision: 4-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary