Select Board Minutes 05.03.11

MAY 3, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with Jack Meaney, Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Harry Wright, Chair requested for the Secretary that the public keep their chats quietly so as to not interfere with the microphone.


Neva Foley from Senator Ayotte’s Office advised she has been meeting with Boards of Selectmen and Town Administrators throughout the State to see if there is anything needed from the Senator’s office. Currently, there is an office in Manchester, but there will be an office in Concord. Ms. Foley advised if there were a Legislative issue, if any member of the town had an issue with a Federal Agency, they would be able to get it to the correct point of contact. Telephone number and e-mail address was left with the Selectmen.

Dave Currier, Lake Massasecum Improvement Association came before the Selectmen regarding the Boat Launch at Lake Massasecum. There is some erosion and launching issues that require attention prior to the busy boating season and to protect the water quality. They are looking for the Selectmen to authorize the Lake Massasecum Improvement Association to apply for the necessary permits from DES and Shoreline Protection Agency to deal with the erosion issue. Volunteers have come forward to do the actual work. There will be no cost to the Town of Bradford. The Selectmen did sign the form provided by Mr. Currier authorizing the Lake Massasecum Improvement Association to go forward with their request.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to sign the letter of intent for the Lake Massasecum Improvement Association, concerning the Boat Launch. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator requested two copies be signed, one for Mr. Currier and one for the Selectmen’s Office.

Dave Currier, Lake Massasecum Improvement Association provided a proposal to the Selectmen requesting naming the Massasecum Boat Launch “Ryan’s Way” after Ryan E. Bishop who was one of the Lake Hosts for the past six years. Ryan E. Bishop drowned in a tragic canoeing accident on Lake Powell, Utah last week.

Discussion ensued regarding who has the authority to name a street. Mr. Currier advised the Lake Massasecum Association would pay for the sign.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent stated that he would like to get some answers regarding discussion that took place last week, which apparently was discussed after everyone left.

He allowed that he was disappointed that things were discussed without his being present.

He is disappointed with the entire Board right now regarding many things. He stated he is very frustrated and Barry, I’m very disappointed that things are not working out with us. For you to come down to the Town Sheds and tell me in front of the whole crew the entire town hates me if I do not go along with what you tell me it’s never going to change. At this time, Barry Wheeler, Selectmen advised he had never said that, and he would like the Highway Crew to come in and talk. It was stated that this was very un-professional. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised they need to move forward with the crusher and the rental. At this point, we’ve been dragging our feet for two weeks, we’re probably going to be two months now before we get a crusher. United was called, and they do not have the equipment. Henniker Crushed Stone would charge five dollars a yard to come in here. We can still get a machine for thirteen fifty a day like we did last year, from Neville. It would take a month to six weeks before we see the machine, as it has been rented to other towns. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised he has several estimates to rent excavators, which the Selectmen have copies of at this time.

Harry Wright questioned, have they been quantified for comparison and they do have a spread sheet with figures.

Dave Pickman questioned what an excavator is needed for. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised for all the different projects they have going: Reconstructing roads, dig ditches.

Mr. Pickman advised he cannot see the extra money requested as it could be spent for a lot of other things.

Much discussion ensued.

At the end of the meeting, Barry Wheeler advised what he recollected saying to Jeff Remillard, Road Agent was that there are two things in town that people hate, that being seeing the excavator being on the road and the amount of salt that is being used.

A Purchase Order/Contract Policy was handed out that was dated June 18, 2010 and signed by the then Selectmen on September 11, 1995. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had checked out prices, and an item valued over $1500.00 then would be $2200.00 now.

The dredging of the Fire Pond was brought up, and a price estimate from one company was given at $7,600.00. It was estimated that it could take two days to get the job done. Dave Pickman stated that it is not the Highway Department’s responsibility, and there is a very short season as far as doing road work. With the economy the way it is, people are hurting, so probably decent bids would come in.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there needs to be a defined explanation between bidding and estimate or quote.

1. Bidding requires specifications; it is advertised, with a two week window for responses, they are opened up at a meeting, they are closed bids. Also, you cannot bid on something until the Town has the money. Bids are usually done for Capital Projects such as a bridge, there are a certain set of specifications which are done by an engineer. We do not, and can not by law bid engineering costs as they have to be strictly takenby qualifications. These qualifications are very detailed from the engineer, then it can be put out to bid to contractors as they would all be bidding on the same thing.

2. An Estimate is calling the contractors to see who is available, what they are going to charge, and what their qualifications are.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator pointed out that the bid process not only concerns the Highway Department, but the Police Department, Selectmen, Fire Departments.

Conversations ensued at length.

Laura Hallahan suggested that the public would like some comparisons backing up the decisions made. If three estimates come in and they happen to be higher than Jeff’s proposal, then the public probably would not be questioning the rental, it is the fact that no one knows.

Jack Meaney questioned if the second pond that was mentioned previously, at Bradford Center is still being considered for dredging? Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief said probably not now.

Harry Wright suggested reconvening in two days after going over some numbers, regarding the cost of the excavators and what work will get done. More time is needed to make rational decisions. The date of Tuesday, May 10, 2011 will be the time for the equipment rental discussion to take place at 5:30pm.

Dave Pickman advised he is not talking about getting estimates for culverts which the road crew can do, but he is talking about the dredging of the fire pond. If that should take more than two days, it would be taking the road crew away from working on the roads.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to allow Jeff Remillard, Road Agent to rent a crusher. Barry Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to allow Jeff to go ahead with screening sand with Valley’s screener at the same time as the crusher rental. Harry Wright seconded. Motion carried.

Marlene Freyler came before the Selectmen regarding a beer tent at the 4th of July festivities at their last meeting. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Selectmen have voted against having a beer tent.

The Selectmen were presented two estimates from Fireworks concerns. Both companies came up with $8500.00. Barry Wheeler advised he prefers Atlas as they have done this before and are familiar with his place where they are set off from. A contract will be procured.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll were reviewed and signed.

Intent to cut forms for Map 6, Lot 34 (Singh), Map 2, Lot 38 (Riley), Map 13, Lots 19 & 22 (Payne), Map 2, Lot 4, (Malecha), Map 11, Lot 73 (Royal/Hartford) and Map 8, Lot 12, (Bibbo) were signed. It was advised that Intent to Cut on Map 11, Lot 73, (Royal/Hartford) must be delayed until a new culvert is put in on Davis Road, which is thought to be completed by the end of July. The road will be posted for 3 ton.

Tree work at Union Cemetery as reported by Tom Riley and French’s Park as reported by the French’s Park Landscaping worker’s were discussed.

There was an authorization for Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer to transfer money from the TAN note.

Revised contract for signature for the West Road Bridge Amendment 3.

Personnel Action forms were signed.

New employee letter to Phil Redmond was signed.

A letter to the Community Center Governance Board was read by Cheryl Behr, Administrator then signed.

There will be an 8:00am scheduled Highway Department Personnel Policy meeting tomorrow.

A notice from Brownfields regarding possible start of testing in July was received.

Report on DES inspection at the Transfer Station was received.

The Naughton testing contract was signed.

The Bradford Covered Bridge inspection results were received from Mr. Loring. No new roof should be put on until the bridge is straightened. The abutments should be pointed up, but do not need major repair or replacing at this time. The problem with the abutment is not what you can see, but what you cannot see. It was stated that there should be a PE signature on the plans. Question was who is writing the proposal? There are at least three concerns who are interested in the work on the bridge. Perhaps the state engineer could write the specs. It was stated that Dennie Hisler, Senior Bridge repair and maintenance person for the State for many years had commented that he would do the work, or he could show some volunteers how to do it. Whom ever does the work, there should be in writing what needs to be done and how much the cost will be.

Marcia Keller suggested some group or groups in town could get some fund raisers going to earn money for the Bement Bridge repair.

Also brought up by Marcia Keller is the time of the Selectmen’s meetings which is hard for working people to attend, being set at 5:30pm. The Selectmen will discuss time and day at a later time.

It was noted that the Lake Todd Meeting will be May 28, 2011.

The Joint Selectmen meeting of the seven towns will be held Thursday May 5, 2011 in New London.

Motion was made seconded and carried to go into Non-Public session regarding Taxpayer Ms. Hunt regarding property taxes under RSA 91A3IIb at 7:32pm.

Decision was made that a letter will be forward to Ms. Hunt.

Motion made seconded and carried to go out of Non-Public at 9:07pm.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 9:07pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley