Library Trustee Minutes 03.02.09

Minutes from March 3, 2009

Attendance included: Joan Perry, Bea Howe, Brooks McCandlish, Rod Jones & Erica Gross
1.The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.
2.Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. A motion was made to accept all gifts and donations made to Brown Memorial Library for the month of February, in the amount of $118.90.
3.Librarian’s report was read and accepted.
4.It was noted that the selectmen voted to leave the 2009 budget “as is”.
5.A Book sale is scheduled for March 21. Volunteers have been set up and Bea has offered to fill in any time slots if necessary.
6.The downloadable books have started off well with 13 downloads so far.
7.Harry Gross is scheduled to do his community service during the April vacation next month.
8.Next meeting is April 6, 2009 at 7:00pm.
Meeting was adjourned @ 7:10 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Erica Gross, Secretary