Zoning Ballot Results 03.10.09

Article 2. Zoning Ordinance.–This is a petition to repeal the definition of a building lot in accordance
with RSA 675:4. The article is to see if the Town of Bradford will vote to amend the lot size
requirements to read minimum lot size required is 2 acres and delete the word buildable. By Petition.

Question 1.  Are you in favor of an amendment to repeal the definition of a building lot in accordance with RSA 675:4 as proposed by the planning board for the Bradford Zoning Ordinance as follows?

To amend the lot size requirement to read minimum lot size requires is 2 acres and delete the word buildable.

Lot Size Regulation – Minimum Lot Soze

Lot Size is determined by the minimum lot size required by the particular zoning district.

Zoning District                 Min. Lot Size      Min. Frontage
Residential Business      2 acres                 250 feet
Residential Rural            2 acres                 250 feet
Conservation                   5 acres                 400 feet

YES: 160
NO: 224