Select Board Minutes 12.17.12

DECEMBER 17, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:32pm with Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, secretary present. Sonny Harris arrived at 5:36pm.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the December 10, 2012 minutes as presented. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 2-0.

Lake Sunapee Snowmobile Club – Casey Brennan:

Casey Brennan advised the Lake Sunapee Snowmobile Club is re-routing the snowmobile route and would like permission to go from Bruce Edwards’s garage to the Keith property onPleasant Valley Road, in the ditch for about two tenths of a mile. Question of why they are re-routing is because of an issue with a land owner, Ms. Hobbs.

The Selectmen concurred that this is permissible.

Mr. Brennan thanked the Selectmen.

Marlene Freyler:

Marlene advised she did this week like she does every week and reviewed the treasury to see what has been paid out. She noticed that $5,000.00 was paid out to Jeff Remillard and questioned what does that mean? Harry Wright, Chair advised that means he no longer works for the town. Marlene went on to question if that is the end of it? Harry Wright, Chair advised as far as the town is concerned this is all done. Marlene went on to question the voting and stated she has talked with Kathy Remillard. Harry stated the lawyers agreed to what was done. Marlene then went on to hand out a “Right to Know” copy taken from the Foster’s Daily Democrat and read part of it.

Additional questions were asked and discussion took place.

Marlene Freyler also handed out to the Selectmen an e-mail she received from Kathy Remillard headlining Legal Briefs, What it Means to “Act as a Board”.

Harry Wright, Chair advised that what they have done, Council has advised is with-in the law.

Comment from the floor was “Haven’t we reviewed this enough” to which Harry Wright, Chair advised yes, the process was done with council’s recommendation.

Marlene went on to ask what is left in the legal budget to which Cheryl replied $107.00.

Chris Aiken questioned why did two Selectmen abstain when voting for dismissal of the Road Agent, and I do not want to hear because of council. Harry Wright, Chair, stated then there isn’t much to tell you, as that was his advice. In response to why he was let go was stated in the letter and not for the Selectmen to explain as it was a personnel issue.

Nathan Abbott – Town owned Land:

Nathan Abbott came before the Selectmen regarding some town owned land on Butman Road, Map 9, Lot 23, a five acre parcel off West Road, that he is interested in purchasing. After discussion, it was decided the property needs to be posted for sale. The six parcels will be looked at further by the Selectmen.

Re: a question from the floor, the Selectmen advised there will be an ad for a new Road Agent in due time.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

An intent to cut for Otto, Map 4, Lots 35 and 35A was signed.

No Budget Reviews were done tonight.

Cheryl Behr will check for a date in January for the Road Bond Hearing.

Cheryl Behr advised the Attorney stated a Bond amount can be changed at Town Meeting.

Cheryl noted that the Town Office will be closed December 24 and 25 and on December 31 and Jan. 1, 2013.

There was no Non-Public session tonight.

Town Hall Restoration Committee Report:

Eileen Kelly, Chair THRC came before the Selectmen and presented a letter to them stating the Review Committee has made a recommendation to the THRC committee to recommend North Branch Construction as the Construction Manager for the Bradford Town Hall Restoration project with the understanding there will be no risk to the town.

This was read into the minutes (last page after minutes).

Harry Wright, Chair advised there were six firms suggested and the final selection was made by the Review Committee who is John Greenwood, Harry Wright and Rick Monahon, Architect.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to generate a letter of intent to Ken Holmes, President North Branch Construction, to include the guaranteed maximum price. Motion seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr advised Brooks McCandlish an Intent to Cut will be coming.

Cheryl Behr advised she has received a complaint from Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction representing Lake Sunapee Bank and the way the driveway has been left from the Sidewalk Project. This does need to be re-worked, however cannot be until spring.

Andrew Pinard – School District Report:

Andrew Pinard handed out an extended report of comparison of all seven towns of the Kearsarge Regional School District showing their Tax Rates from the year 2010 forward.

Andrew went on to say that Selectmen from all seven towns were invited to a meeting, but unfortunately none of Bradford’s Selectmen were able to attend.

Andrew stated that the School District previously has not been allowed to maintain any surplus fund from year to year. Now the law reads in any fiscal year they can retain up to 2.5% of the years fiscal net assessment. In this instance it would allow no more than $700,000 if there were that amount in surplus.

[AJP clarification: Regarding withholding surplus funds, what I actually said (and can be heard in the recording) was that one of the articles up for consideration (and which would be voted on at the Deliberative Session) relates to a law which allows districts to retain up to 2.5% of the current fiscal year’s net assessment. This would only be enacted should the voters pass it at the deliberative session in January. This is different in that the School District does currently not have any authority to retain any surplus funds and will not until the voters elect to give them the power under the statute (RSA 198:4-b, II). I have submitted this as a clarification asked for it to be placed into the revised/approved minutes.]

 Some other topics brought up were off campus trips. One for the 6th graders, Natures Classroom trip which is a three day trip for Science Curriculum to Lake George, New York and an 8th grade trip to DC for history/civics courses and in the past been paid 100% for by parents. They are now proposing the district pay for a portion.

The District is also now proposing an outside evaluation team that would check performance of each teacher four times a year for three years. The first two years would be to see what this would cost the district and the third year would be put into effect. The Food Service was discussed with the percentage saved by the district by using outside services.

The Municipal Budget this year concurs with the School Board Budget with the exception or concerns with the DC Trip at $23,000, the one to one technology ratio so removed $10,000 and $5,000 from the School Board’s Budget.

The proposed School Board Budget this year at $37,844,019.00 is 2.15% increase including Warrant Articles.

Andrew was thanked by the Selectmen for his report.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:26pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley


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