THRC Agenda 02.07.13

BradfordTown Hall Restoration Committee

Meeting of February 07, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

BradfordCommunity Center


I. Approval of Minutes of January 24, 2013

II. Remembering Rick

III. Presentation to Select-Board, January 28 – unanimous vote of approval for warrant article bond

IV. Presentation to Budget Committee, January 30 – unanimous vote of approval for warrant article bond

V. Jim Bruss– update

VI. Decisions

VII. Subcommittee reports

1. Financing committee – Marcia Keller

2. Campaign for Community Support – publicity, public relations – Beth Rodd

3.  Fundraising – Michele Halstead

VIII. Other Business:

IX. Next Meeting Dates: Thursday, February 21 at 7:00pm

1. Thursday, March 07 at 7:00pm

TIMELINE – Town Meeting 2013

Monday, February 18 – Bond Hearing at 7:00 p.m. Community Center downstairs

Saturday, February 23rd – Public Forum by Town Hall Restoration Committee at 10:00 a.m. to noon (Snow Date: Saturday, March 02)

Dates in Statute

Friday, January 11 – FIRST day to hold public hearing on bond or note issue over $100,000. Notice of time, place & subject of hearing must be published at least 7 days before hearing.

Friday, February 8 – Last day of giving notice of February 15th public hearing on annual budget. [32:5,I]

Friday, February 15 – Last day to hold one public hearing on annual budget (can hold additional public hearings earlier or later with 7 days’ notice; should schedule at least one public hearing after Feb 5th to include any petitioned warrant articles). [32:5,I and V]

*** Monday, February 18 Last to publish notice of time, place and subject of public hearing on bond or note issue over $100,000. [33:8-a,I]

Wednesday, February 20 – In budget committee towns, last day for budget committee to submit 2 copies of annual budget to selectmen for them to post with warrant. [32:16, IV]

*** Monday, February 25 – Last day to hold public hearing on bond or note issue over $100,000. Notice of time, place and subject of hearing must be published at least 7 days before hearing. [33:8-a, I].

Tuesday, March 12 – Town Election Day.

Wednesday, March 13 – Town Meeting.

Friday Feb 8, 15 budget hearing