Select Board Minutes 04.29.13



APRIL 29, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review of Budget Committee notes:

Beth Rodd, Budget Committee member was present to answer any questions there may be.

As the Selectmen Representative of the Budget Committee, John Pfeifle led a discussion and review of the following Budget Committee concerns.

Leasing of equipment procedures, Employee Benefits, Wage increase and there will be an upcoming step increase sheet set up for next year with an organized plan.

Requested information may come from Vice Chair as well as Chair of the Budget Committee to the administrator.

Cheryl Behr advised the Executive budget will be overspent if continued as they are.

Cheryl Behr will check with the Town Clerk regarding the second town meeting.

Legal Budget and there is a new Attorney. Police Retirement being worked on, but not completed at this time.

Rescue Squad – Paramedic intercept discussed. Town is charged from other towns. Cheryl advised Bradford does not have an EMT who can do things a Paramedic does.

Transfer Station cost: Lois did attend a meeting. She and Ken will research further regarding Naughton Disposal. This topic is being looked into further.

Welfare Department is running high. Cheryl Frey does present a monthly report with number of requests and dollar amount.

Review of Revenue – Budget and Tax Collector to get together.

Spread bond out for the Road Bond for ten years and are receiving the same rate as if taken for seven years.

John Pfeifle reported that the Budget Committee meeting was very good for the quarter however; they would like to change some of the formats.

Harry Wright, Chair reiterated that it is the position of the Executive Branch of the town to set wages, not the Budget Committees. Beth Rodd stated the Budget Committee felt there should be conversations.

White Farm State Auctions:

Cheryl Behr advised a letter has been received (letter on file) stating there will be no further auctions held at White Farm. The May Auction will be held in Epsom and after that, it will be on-line. The town has used this service in the past.

Abatement for Historic Society:

Cheryl Behr advised the Historical Society turned in a request for abatement today for the former StewartAgencyBuilding. The abatement application was due in March, however, it was pointed out that the Historical Society did not own the building until April 3, 2013. The assessor will be in on Tuesday. The bill that will be coming out next according to Cheryl is for April through September.


Cheryl Behr advised if we apply for FEMA we would receive approximately $10,000.00. Sheets were handed out to the Selectmen and discussed on how the money is calculated. Cheryl advised since this is Barry Wheeler’s first year as Road Agent, he is unaware as to how to do this. The Federal Government made the decision we received a storm of severity that qualifies as a disaster, we are then able to apply. The total amount that was calculated is $13,541.00 and at 75% which is payable at $10,156.00. The purpose of this money is to reimburse the Highway Department. Cheryl stated that Barry is trying to hire a 4th man and is short $10,000.00. Harry Wright, Chair advised that is beside the point. Cheryl advised she has the paper work ready, but has not forwarded as she is waiting approval of the Selectmen.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to apply for the FEMA money and post it against the Highway Department with the understanding it is not extra money to be spent. This motion needs Barry Wheeler’s approval before actually applying. Harry Wright, Chair seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Paving will start next Monday, on Fairgrounds Road followed by Pleasant View, then Sunset Hill Road when ready.

Personnel Action form was reviewed and signed.

Intent to Cut forms were signed for Everett Kittredge, Map 17, Lot 28 and Cheryl McDonald, Map 4, Lot 2 and 13.

Letter Signed for Volunteeers for Enomonic Revitalization Committee:

John Pfeifle advised he has spoken with Niki Dubaere and she will coordinate the clean up of the town hall. A person in Melvin Mills is going to refurbish and restore an oil painting that has been in the town hall for $500.00. Suggestion was to have a raffle to help defray the expense of this restoration. Eileen Kelly suggested there may be a Grant available for this project. The Historical committee is going to work with Niki and categorize important artifacts stored in the town hall, also anything that is usable today should be available for use where needed

Resignation Letter:

Harry Wright, Chair read a letter from Michele Halsted resigning as a member of the Town Hall Restoration Committee due to other commitments.

Harry Wright, Chair advised he had talked with Eileen Kelly regarding a motion that was thought to have been made last week regarding the Town Hall Restoration Committee remaining with the same members and Chair. There had been discussion, but there was no motion. Harry Wright, Chair advised his thoughts are for the Chair person to be appointed by the committee, not appointed by the Selectmen. Further discussion concerning the Rural Heritage Connection, a 501C3, and Eileen Kelly explained they were used only as a place to put any money the Town Hall Restoration Committee had.

Marlene Freyler stated that no one had any idea of what money was collected or where it is, and it was not in the minutes. Contrary to discussion, it was stated that Michele Halsted did address at the last Selectmen’s meeting what money had been collected from each of the categories: cash donations, and pledges and is reflected in the minutes.

Harry Wright, Chair advised it would be appropriate to request the Rural Heritage Connection for a financial statement.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair for the Town Hall Restoration Committee to get back to work aggressively towards a restoration plan that will work for the town.

(Harry Wright, Chair also stated that the motion leave out the fact of the Selectmen appointing a Chair person.) Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Building Inspector – Walter Royal:

Walter Royal has contacted the Selectmen and inquired about some concerns and is requesting information and what should he do?

Cheryl Behr stated she had a Line of Credit letter and did not know what to do with it. The Secretary advised the Planning Board has been waiting for it, and filed it where it belongs.

The secretary asked if the Planning board could ask the Town Road Crew to move a copier from the town hall to the community center. The copier will be serviced for $50.00 and will be in the Youth Room for the Voter Registration personnel and the Planning Board.

Dave Pickman asked the Selectmen if the Administrator has a key to the Planning Board files. The secretary referenced a decision in August of 2012 that all the tapes from all boards with the exception of the Planning Board were put in the Selectmen’s office. Harry Wright, Chair stated there was a motion two or three months ago and he will look this up.

Cheryl stated she would like the Selectmen to formally vote on the 10 year bond for the Highway bond. Harry Wright, Chair read the previous minutes so stating.

Building Permit Form:

John Pfeifle read from the April 22, 2013 minutes that the Building Permit form would be discussed and finalized at this meeting. It will be on the agenda for May 1, 2013.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 6:40pm to Non Public per RSA 91-A:3II(a) -Personnel. Harry Wright, Chair –Yes, Sonny Harris-Yes, John Pfeifle-Yes

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary

Non Public Session April 29, 2013  6:40 pm

Vote to move to non public session per RSA 91A3IIe legal correspondence

Vote was unanimous.  Wright, yes; Harris, yes; Pfeifle, yes

In attendance: Harry Wright, Chairman; Sonny Harris, selectman; John Pfeifle, selectman; Cheryl Behr, Administrator

Discussion on contents of letter to be sent to town attorney regarding communication and personnel issues.  Chairman Wright made recommendations and the board agreed.

Adjustments made to letter.  Letter accepted with a unanimous vote.

Motion to adjourn non public session 7:10 pm

Non public session minutes prepared by Cheryl Behr,