ZBA Minutes 11.06.13



NOVEMBER 13, 2013


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02pm with George Cilley, Andrew Pinard, Erich Caron, Denise Renk, Mark Fournier, Alternate and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of October 10, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the October 10, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by Denise Renk. Andrew Pinard abstained. Motion carried unanimously.

The upcoming Forest Program was mentioned for anyone wishing to attend.

Public Hearings:

John Gioldassis – Main Street-Special Exception—Off Premise sign, Map 17, Lot 62 – Variance to Place a prefabricated ATM Machine:


Kelly Gale, KLG Architecture, representing John Gioldassis, made Application for a Variance to install a pre-fabricated ATM machine which comes with interior lighting as standard equipment.

This is to be placed on the existing slab where the sugar shack used to be. It was stated that it would be lighted during all dark hours. There would be signage as well on the unit. Kelly Gale read the five criterions with responses. Several questions were asked by the board members. The front of the ATM would face the Pizza Chef, the lights are LED, not far reaching. All four corners will have lights and cameras and be well secured. Public comments were requested from Brooks McCandlish, Chair.

Rick Pehrson advised he felt it a great idea. Tom Pehrson advised any new business in town is a plus.

Much discussion ensued regarding internal illumination directed outwards.

John Gioldassis stated he could check on putting the lights on a timer.

Motion was made by Denise Renk to approve the Application for a prefab ATM unit for John Gioldassas at 101 East Main Street, Map 17, Lot 62 with the following conditions to be met: With no internal illumination, but external, hooded illumination. If this is found to not be effective, then they can come back and appeal it. It was stated that the Planning Board can set the hours at the continued Site Plan meeting on November 12, 2013.

Motion was seconded by Andrew Pinard. Brooks McCandlish read through the five criterions. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Exception:

Kelly Gale represented John Gioldassis and presented an Application for a Special Exception for an off premise sign, adding to an existing sign. “Bradford Depot”, a six square foot sign, on Map 17, Lot 61. Zoning Board of Adjustment members reviewed colored pictures that were handed out. A letter was acknowledged stating John Gioldassis gives his approval.

Brooks McCandlish, Chair opened the floor for comments. There being no comments from the floor, the Public Hearing was closed.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to approve the Application for a Special Exception for John Gioldassis for a Six Square Foot Sign and re-location of the others on Map 17, Lot 61. Motion seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried unanimously.

Soaring Goose (Doug Webb-Lumber Barn) Variance-Addition signage-Map 7, Lot 2:

Doug Webb came before the Zoning Board of Adjustment and handed out map/picture for his sign which was originally approved in 1999, and reviewed that Site Plan. Doug advised this had been approved two years ago, however, due to the economy, he failed to accomplish it in the required time frame. He now has three concerns.

1. Re-configure square feet to include California Paint Sign, electricity is all there with illumination on the tower.

2. Wants tri-angular Building Mounted sign where “Rosewood” used to be, heading north and south…

3. Wants 3 – 4 X 8 signs showing business vendors (actually two additional) on wall heading south.

The five Criterions were read and answered by Doug Webb.

The Public was asked for any comments.

Only comment was it is great to be able to put emergencies on the sign as well if needed.

Comment from the board was the total footage should be 116, not 128 of illuminated sign. Proposed having it lighted all night for safety issues. Suggestions were made for hooded lights, sensor, off at 11:00pm to 4:30am. Doug Webb advised he’d look into a timer.

The Public Hearing was closed.

Motion was made by Denise Renk to approve the Application for a Variance for a prefab ATM Unit for John Gioldassis at 101 East Main Street, Map 17, Lot 62 with the following conditions to be met: With no internal illumination, but external, hooded illumination. If this is found to not be effective, then they can come back and appeal it.

It was stated that the Planning Board can set the hours at the continued Site Plan meeting on November 12, 2013

Motion was seconded by Andrew Pinard.

Brooks McCandlish read through the five criterion.

Motion carried unanimously.

Doug Webb will attend the Planning Board meeting on November 12, 2013.

All department heads correspondence was reviewed for each of the Public Hearing

listed above.

Ed MacLeod-Forest Street-Variance-for a Tool Shed, Map 11, Lot 1:

Ed MacLeod came before the Zoning Board of Adjustment with an Application for a Variance to build a shed on his property on Map 11, Lot 1. The completed application was perused by the board including the Criterion.

Brooks McCandlish, Chair opened the floor for public comments. Mr. Rick Pehrson stated there was a shed there for 25 years and he just wants to replace it and he is in favor of it.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to approve the Application for a Variance for a shed on Ed MacLeod’s property on 83 Forest Street, Map 11, Lot 1. Motion seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried unanimously.

Brooks McCandlish, Chair advised all Public Hearing attendees tonight that any affected person can make an appeal of these decisions within 30 days from this date.

Brooks also explained that the Zoning board of Adjustment is law and has to be followed.

Mention was made that there will be two vacancies on the ZBA at the March Town Meeting. Also, at this time, Andrew Pinard advised he will not run for the Zoning Board of Adjustment this year due to other commitments.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 9:25pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
