Select Board Minutes 12.30.13



DECEMBER 30, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Marlene Freyler-Breezy Hill Road Bridge:

Marlene Freyler came before the Selectmen stating: today she had talked with Nancy Mayville, PE, Municipal Highways Engineer, NHDOT Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance, regarding the BreezyHillBridge off Route 114. Marlene stated it needs to be done properly and she would like some questions answered. In reply to the question if the board would like Marlene to read the questions and answers, John Pfeifle advised the Selectmen do have a copy of the e-mail and do not need it read. John also allowed that the bridge will be done correctly, the board is not naïve, and they do have access to top notch opinions and ways to go forward. Expert advice from engineers will be obtained and the State can inspect it whenever needed. Marlene stated the people in town need to know who is doing what. John Pfeifle advised all information will be forthcoming as it progresses. John also stated the State figure to re- construct this bridge is over $800,000.00. The town of Bradford is working on doing the correct job for $8,000.00 from the residents. John Pfeifle reiterated the bridge will be inspected and approved by whoever is required.

Marlene Freyler advised she is questioning, not for herself, but for towns people who were not listed.

John Pfeifle went on to state that different bridge designs/ constructions require different qualifications, which are priority before any other answers are forthcoming.

Lake Massasecum-Milfoil:

Much discussion regarding the 2-4-D spray contemplated to be used on part of LakeMassasecum to control milfoil ensued. Sonny Harris advised he has had some contact with the US Environmental Protection Agency and NHDES who forwarded some information to him on 2-4-D. Marcia Keller suggested delaying this for a year and access divers as to where problems are and check on what has been accomplished last summer to get background information before using herbicides again.

Dave Currier did not appear at tonight’s meeting as was anticipated.

Personnel Policy regarding hiring with Policy being adopted January 1, 2013:

Cheryl Behr advised the policy adopted by the Selectmen on January 1, 2013 does not spell out advertising for position, however the policy prior to that did indicate that to hire from part time to full time needs to be advertised within.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to hire a 4th full time employee for the Highway Department January 1, 2014. The money is in the budget this year. Sonny Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

It was reiterated and agreed that the Highway Department is doing a great job for the town.

Generator problems at the BACC – causing computer failure:

Due to oversight, the generator service company was not called on a timely manner, causing computer problems. Decision was to talk to Jim Valiquet, Police Chief who handles BACC and he will be asked to come in to talk. Cheryl advised they do need to talk with the insurance company regarding the computers being down if caused by the generator malfunctioning. Cheryl advised she has contacted the generator people and they are coming in to fix the problem.

Warrant Articles Order:

Discussion regarding the order of the Warrant Articles for Town Meeting.

It was stated that there are to be two Zoning Amendments with language change with public hearings to be first – January 20 and if second meeting is necessary, it would be January 28. The language cannot be changed after the hearing.

It was decided the present Warrant Articles will be forwarded to the Budget Committee with the comment this is not final, but will give them something to work with.

The Article regarding raising and appropriating the sum of Three Thousand Five hundred dollars to correct the grading at the Historic Center Meeting House was discussed. George Cilley advised it does not really have anything to do with the meeting house; it is town land by the cemetery. Suggestion was that the town crew and volunteers could maybe do this work and this will be checked on further.

Hazardous Waste Day:

A day in October is Hazardous Waste day in Henniker, and $1,000 is appropriated by Bradford, which is in the budget was noted.

Lois Kilnapp appreciated the vote for rescinding the decision for dumpster for the Fire Department and Highway Department. It was reiterated that the Fire Department could make arrangements internally as was stated in December 23, 2013 minutes.

Marilyn Gordon questioned where the money is from the Greens sale held at the town hall, as it has not been deposited in the Town Hall Restoration Trust Account as yet.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of December 23, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the December 23, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Mention was made concerning contacting Town Attorney, Bernie Waugh regarding the definition of Selectmen talking/e-mailing each other with concerns. Atty. Waugh is out of the office for two weeks per Cheryl Behr.

Cheryl Behr will reword and organize the Warrant Articles and forward to the Selectmen.

Dick Keller advised areas in town lost telephone connections today and there is no local telephone available, making no way to contact the police if necessary.

No other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 6:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
