Library Trustee Minutes 01.08.14

Minutes from January 8, 2014

The Board Meeting for the Trustees of Brown Memorial Library was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:    Mary-Chris Duncan        Garry Kalajian            Robert Toppi
Patty Furness            Connie Scheffy            Meg Fearnley
Nola Jordan

1. Bob Toppi was seated as a voting member because two trustees were absent.

2. The secretary’s report was accepted as presented.

3. A motion was made and passed to accept donations to Brown Memorial Library in December in the amount of $477.50.  $77.50 came from our on-going book sale, and $400.00 from general donations.  The $753.15 for Maintenance includes service on the elevator, having the furnace checked, and end-of-season grounds work as well as snow shoveling.  The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented.

4. Meg reported that circulation numbers for December are disappointing, even allowing for the spate of bad weather.  We are just not seeing the same numbers of children that we used to.  This is a trend other libraries are also reporting.

5. Under Old Business, Connie, Erica and Patty were reminded to fill out the paperwork necessary to stand for re-election in March.

6. Under New Business, the Trustees looked at the 2013 Revenue and Expenditure Report.  As usual, Bea did a fantastic job and we came in very close to budget on almost all line items, filling in from donations when our needs exceeded the town appropriation.

7. The Board re-examined and approved our Investment Policy for trust funds and capital reserve funds.

8. With movie night attendance practically non-existent, Meg believes we should take a break for the time being and suggested that next year we not renew our movie license.  This is the fee we pay to be able to legally show films for public viewing.  Although we have already renewed for 2014, she thinks we might better spend this money on DVDs for patrons to check out.

9.  The Board discussed some questions Garry had after reading an article on security and safety in the NH Library Trustee Newsletter.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 5, at 6:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Nola Jordan, Secretary