Select Board Minutes 06.16.09

Town of Bradford
Selectmen’s Meeting
June 16, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present. Peter Fenton was excused.

Marge Cilley, Secretary was absent.

Review and Consideration of June 9, 2009 Minutes:

Motion was made by Jack Meany that the minutes be accepted as put forth. Motion carried 2-0.

William Starr III Town Hall abuttor:

Mr. Starr came before the Selectmen resulting from a survey the town has had done which moves the town property line much closer to his house then anyone was aware of.

Mr. Starr advised he was not able to make the last Selectmen’s meeting as he did not pick up his certified letter in time. Mr. Starr advised when he purchased the property, Bob Stewart indicated the screen house went with his property, and was used by the previous owner for 23 years before him. Mr. Starr advised he was asked to come in by the Selectmen to discuss the removal of his screen house and driveway. He advised he has put a new roof on the building a couple of years ago. Mr. Starr advised the screen house could probably be placed in another spot on his property when asked by Charles Meany, Chair. Charles Meany, Chair also advised the town hall needs the space where Mr. Starr’s screen house now is for future renovations. Mr. Starr advised there would be major problems if the existing driveway had to be moved to another location on the other side of the house. Charles Meany, Chair suggested the screen house could stay where it is for the time being, however, if sometime in the future the town needed the land, then some legal terminology needs to be written. Charles Meany, Chair advised they will look into reconfiguration, regarding the driveway as well as a portion of the land the screen house sits on perhaps being available for Mr. Starr to purchase.

No one was present to discuss the sidewalks and/or Handicapped Access.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent:

Steve Lucier, Road Agent came in to discuss the chimney for the highway garage. The chimney will not go through the roof, per Charles Meany, Chair. The chimney person will be contacted to get it done, and the electricity is all done as of today. There was discussion concerning painting of beams and a door needs to be changed to be fire rated. With the exception of the above mentioned concerns, the building should be done on Friday. Charles Meaney, Chair advised Steve Lucier he needs to meet with Harry Weatherbee and himself at 8:30AM next Wednesday morning. Harry Weatherbee is a Geotechnical Engineer who is going to be doing the sand analysis. The backhoe will need to be ready at that time as well. This determination will help with where the new sand/salt shed should be built.

Charles Meany, Chair advised Steve Lucier, Road Agent that volunteers will be called in to handle pulling the well and doing the new wiring.

It is planned to have the new highway garage open on the 4th of July from 10;00am to 2:00pm.

Recycling Committee:

Marcia Keller, Recycling Committee member, advised the town is still making a little money on recycling. Also, two signs were placed at the sight. The third sign, showing the fees has been put aside. At this time a fee schedule was presented to the Selectmen, and the committee is requesting the Selectmen officially adopt the list, so that a sign may be made and copies printed to be distributed. Discussion took place regarding coupons at the town hall or paying at the transfer station by check. They will both be continued.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve the fee schedule for the Transfer Station.

Motion seconded and carried 2-0.

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair to authorize the funds for the purchasing of the signs to come from the Recycling Funds. Motion seconded and carried 2-0.

Marcia Keller advised Ken Anderson has given Trudy Willett some Grant information regarding replacing the baler at the transfer station. A note was read by Cheryl Behr, Administrator from Ken Anderson regarding the worn out, malfunctioning baler. The total cost of a model 3400 baler is twelve thousand one hundred thirty three dollars ($12,133.) with a trade in of four thousand ($4,000.) with a net cost of eight thousand one hundred thirty three dollars ($8,133.) Further questions were discussed. The Selectmen signed the necessary forms for applying for this.

Regular Business:

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Correspondence was signed.

The Auditor did not come into the office on Monday, however did come in today and will be in the rest of the week.

Dawn Rich came before the Selectmen to discuss the Nature Circle Camp that was brought up at an earlier meeting. As of today, there are only 4 spaces left out of the 60 originally planned to fill. The BACC is giving a scholarship of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.) for children that need assistance to attend.

Ambulance billing was discussed, and money has started coming in from insurance companies, which will be applied towards Rescue Squad expenses.

Supplemental warrants and abatements were signed.

Newsletters- It was decided not to do newsletters at this time, but to put information in the Bridge.

Employee benefit committee – The issues of raises and how calculated were discussed. Steps based on merit was discussed. It was suggested that the state scale could be used by using job description that could be identified as being similar to ours.

Grant applications are coming in regarding generator, sidewalks, Tax Incremental Financing etc. were discussed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator gave a brief synopsis of the Sidewalk meeting held Friday June 12, 2009 with Rodrigo J. Marion, Principal Transportation Planner with CNHRPC and Stephen A. Heavener, Executive Director, CRDC who were extremely enthusiastic. Mr. Marion called the next day, and he and Nick went to see Mike Croteau, who had originally put together the measurements, cost figures, and they discussed his breaking out the cost for phases. Different types of funding were also discussed and how we could make our matches by Mr. Marion and Mr. Stephener. The letter of intent does need to be in by July 2, 2009.

A letter was received from the Kearsarge Regional Elementary School in Bradford requesting a donation from the Town of Bradford to replace their school playground.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator thanked the Brown Memorial Library for a letter received from them, advising their pre-paid oil last year was not completely used and they will return $2,000 to the town.

There being no further business, the meeting was closed.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley