Town Hall Restoration Committee Meeting of August 21, 2014 at Town Hall
Present: Eileen Kelly, Chair, Marcia Keller, Sandy and Harry Wright, Jim Bibbo, Karen Hambleton, George and Marge Cilley , Beth Rodd, Nikki Dubaere
July 17 Minutes: Read and Approved
Building Subcommittee (Marcia): Met a week ago. Motion passed for a mission statement: “The subcommittee will make recommendations to the full THRC for incremental improvements to the building with available funds, with the objective of moving the town offices from the BAAC to the town hall as soon as practical.
$95,000 approved at meeting for TH. $5,000 spent. What to do with $90,000 balance. Suggestions:
Take off PD Building/place vapor barrier/ventilation system under floor (assessment by contractor due in September).
Roof Update: Only one company responded to RFP and that company cannot do the roof this year. Selectmen will pursue other roofers who are able to assess and provide roofing this year.
Motion was made to accept the recommendation of the Building Subcommittee to proceed with gathering info about removal of the police dept. section of TH and having an assessment for a vapor barrier/ventilation system. Motion approved and passed unanimously.
There was a general discussion regarding additional needs for contractors, Clerk of the Works and types of supervision and quality controls needed to move construction forward.
Discussion of moving process piecemeal vs. total financial bonding and how to proceed with each option.
Selectmen will proceed with finding a roofer who can complete the roof assessment for need and cost.
RHC Letter: Letter read. No action taken.
Capital Campaign/Other Fundraising Opportunities: Karen Hambleton, Eileen Kelly
Slides were shown of the brochure being developed for distribution for fundraising efforts.
Update on Trust Fund /balance and new deposit. (Karen Hambleton) $5,471 ($600 included in the balance has not been accounted for. Trustees are away but Karen is following up as needed.
Communications Plan :(Sylvester) Audrey unavailable. For meeting.
Stakeholders list-Contact support-(Audrey & Marcia) No additional information.
Other Business: Nikki attempted to have lock replaced but selectman John Pfeifle is working with Cheryl Baer.
Selectman Harry Wright asked for and was presented with correspondence between the RHC and THRC.
Discussion followed regarding the roles of THRC and RHC.
Next meeting Thursday, September 25, Town Hall, 7PM
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Rodd, Board Member , THRC