Planning Board Minutes 06.23.09

JUNE 23, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Marcia Keller, Barry Wheeler, Barbara Vannata, Bill Glennie, Sonny Harris, Jane Johnsen, Alternate, Marge Cilley Secretary present. Jim Bibbo was excused.

Review and Consideration of May 26 minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the minutes. On page two, first sentence should read that “Bill Glennie, advised that Brooks McCandlish said no when asked if he would be on the Central New Hampshire Planning Commission”. Motion seconded by Barbara Vannata. Sonny Harris abstained. Motion carried 5-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator re: Sidewalks:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator came before the Planning Board this evening regarding sidewalks for the town. Jane Johnsen, and the Bradford Improvement Association have been working on gathering information regarding sidewalks. Also information was received from Bill Glennie. Cheryl advised she has also contacted Rodrigo Marion, Principal Transportation Planner, CNHRPC, who came to a meeting held last Friday at 10:00am. This is a very fast moving project with the initial letter of intent to be received by July 2, 2009. This letter will be read by CNHRPC who will then make recommendations, and the Grant needs to be submitted by September 15, 2009. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it was a well attended meeting last Friday and there will be another Sidewalk meeting held Friday, June 26, 2009 at 10:00am. Also, Mike Croteau, Engineer has been contacted. It is anticipated that Friday’s meeting will be able to adjust numbers to phase the whole project in, with an estimate of 1.5 to 2.0 million dollars. Conversation ensued regarding the TE Grant (Transportation Enhancement) which pays 80% and the town has to come up with the 20% and the Safe Route to School Grant which pays 100%. Currently, the town has about $21,000. Information was also handed out from CRDC for TIF (Tax Increment Financing), who are the people who manage the Revolving Loan Funds. The district needs to be specific, and the area where the development will be, cannot exceed 5% of the municipality’s land area or current taxable assessed value of the district, and cannot exceed 8% of the total municipal valuation. This is a long term project. Also mentioned was the sur-charge on vehicle registrations which could net the town another $6,500 – $7,000 annually if it comes to pass. Cheryl Behr, Administrator also advised that many of the Grants do have stipulations in them where town’s can have special town meetings without the requirement of petitioning the court. A special town meeting would have to be posted as usual. It would behoove the town to show we are actively working on the match. Aug. 15, 2009 is a suggested date for a Special Town Meeting.

The unanimous comments of the planning board are that the project sounds good.

The whole project should be laid out initially, and then phases could be done.

The Planning Board thanked Cheryl Behr for her information, and all her work on the Sidewalk project.

Marcia Keller thanked Barbara Vannata and Jane Johnsen for coming in to the planning board office two mornings and working on files.

Marcia Keller read some of the language from the 1996 Master Plan regarding sidewalks, starting out by advising the Planning Board supports the current application for Transportation Enhancement Grants. This will go in the form of a letter to the right source to be included in the application for the Sidewalk Grant from the Planning Board by unanimous vote.

To Do Folder:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read the To Do Folder and mentioned the DVD on the 18 month planning project from the American Institute of Architects.

Bill Glennie read the Original Structure and gave the Commissioners Handbook, CNHRPC as reading material for the planning board.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair will contact Matt Monahan, CNHRPC to set up a meeting date for hosting Ben Frost to come out and talk about N. H. Housing which would be open to the public. Suggested dates were August 17, 19, 20 or 24, 25, 26, or 27.

Sonny Harris highlighted several comments from a conference he and Jim Bibbo attended in Manchester.

Quite some time was spent on the Sign Regulations Draft to update it for the Zoning Ordinance. Bill Glennie has the regulations on his computer, so made the changes as discussed.

Marcia Keller advised that when the planning board grants waivers from Site Plan Regulations requests, the motion needs to show the actual reason.

Meeting adjourned 9:30pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley