Selectmen’s Minutes 02.09.15

Board of Selectmen Meeting

February 9, 2015

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman


  1. Chris Way presented update of revitalized Bradford Revolving Loan Fund board. Fund is currently run by CRDC. Board is looking to define utility- currently functioning only in a marketing capacity and would like to contribute beyond that.
  2. Town Hall Building Committee discussed updates regarding RFP for selective demolition. In order to meet OSHA standards power service must be cut prior to demo. Future temporary and permanent power service solutions and pricing debated. Chairman spoke to record advising THBC not to pursue any demolition prior to Town Meeting.

Motion made to remove Article 4: Town Hall Foundation from Town Warrant. Motion carried 3-0.

Regular Business

  1. Sonny Harris’ letter to Intertown Record regarding old growth and Mount Sunapee expansion reviewed and discussed.
  2. Motion made to include Warrant Article 29 to raise and appropriate $1,000.00 to be added to the Gravestone Repair Expandable Trust previously established. Motion carried 3-0.
  3. Chairman presented Selectmen’s commentary on Town Report. Edits made regarding wording and content.
  4. Projected revenues for 2015 will be distributed by e-mail to Select Board and Budget Committee and will be reviewed at next week’s meeting.
  5. Status of Town Report reviewed.

Pending Issues

  1. Autocraft- forwarded to town attorney for action
  2. Failed septic system on Route 114
  3. Shed unlawfully built on Center Rd
  4. Questionable effluent N side of Old Warner Rd

Minutes of February 3, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted as presented.

Meeting ended at 6:50pm, Bond Hearing to convene at 7:00pm.