THRC Minutes 02.05.15

Town Hall Restoration Committee

Unapproved Minutes of Meeting Thursday, February 5, 2015

Committee members in attendance were Eileen Kelly, Chair, Beth Rodd, Sandy Paul, Marcia Keller, Audrey Sylvester, Nicki DuBaere, and Sandra Wright.

The meeting began at 7:40pm.

The minutes of the January 15, 2015 meeting were approved.

Marcia Keller, Chair of the THRC Building Subcommittee presented the recommendation of the Building Subcommittee.  The Subcommittee recommended to the THRC an $845,000 estimate to have the first floor completed and second floor prepped, based on a new foundation under the rear portion of the building only.

Marcia explained the reasoning for the vote and a long discussion ensued.  Many good questions were raised and discussed by the Committee, Kelly Gale (architect for the project), audience and guests.  Most questions centered on a full vs. partial basement and its need.

A motion was made by Sandra Wright that the THRC recommend to the Selectmen the amount of $955,000 of which $105,000 come from grants and $850,000 from taxation to include a full basement and a complete functioning building.  Seconded by Beth Rodd, vote approved unanimously, 7:0.

Audrey Sylvester and Marcia Keller spoke to the efforts going on with the presentation of information on the Town Hall project to the public.  They will provide all THRC members with an e-mail this week (by Feb. 8) with more information.

The next meeting was set for 7:00pm on Thursday, February 19.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20pm.

Submitted by Sandra Wright, Secretary