Select Board Minutes 07.28.09

JULY 28, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair called the Selectmen’s meeting to order at 6:00pm with Jack Meaney, Peter Fenton, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Cheryl Behr introduced Stephen Heavener, CRDC who is present regarding the TIF report. Mr. Heavener reported that there is a significant change in Article IX. Mr. Heavener advised he would help where and when needed. The School Board and County will have to be advised and invited to the Public Hearing and Town Meeting and Cheryl Behr, Administrator will forward letters to them via certified mail. Current assessed values will be frozen at Town Meeting time. If this endeavor is not passed at this time, the same plan with updated values can be reviewed again at the regularly scheduled town meeting.

There will be a mailing done regarding the TIF prior to the upcoming Public Hearing.

The Public Hearing will be held to explain the TIF on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at the Town Hall at 6:00pm. The Selectmen will not be meeting on August 4th.

The Special Town Meeting is scheduled for September 1, 2009 at the Kearsarge Elementary School at 7:00pm. Mr. Heavener advised he will attend the Town Meeting, and be the spokes person.

Stephen Heavener, CRDC suggested the Town’s Attorney be given the legal wording for their approval.

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair to approve the Program as amended and to add to the plan: (On Old Warner Road) Map 3, Lot 95, Map 17, Lot 38 and Map 17, Lot 39 and to delete from the plan: (Greenhouse Lane) Map 17, Lot 41, Map 17, Lot 42 and Map 17, Lot 43. Motion seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-09.

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair to nominate the following as the Revolving Loan Committee for a two year term.

Woody Pringle, Laura Hallahan, Less Gordon, Jane Rayno and Peter M. Fenton.

Motion was seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.


Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed

Jack Meaney advised the beams are being painted at the new Highway Garage, however, the contract states they are only painting the spots that have peeled, not the whole thing.

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair to release final checks to Sailer and Hansen. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Robert Stewart, Sr. came before the Selectmen regarding the Community Center with several topics of concern to be addressed:

Use of rooms being used and charged/not charged for when instructor is being paid.

Parks and Rec. money being paid to town.

SOP for Operations should be written.

Full year of Parks and Recs records should be done and available to the Selectmen.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator has provided the Parks and Rec’s a Mission Statement, and a Charter of Responsibility, per Robert Stewart, Sr., which lists details of procedures.

Director’s Report needs to be given to the Selectmen who make the final decisions.

Parks and Recreation Committee should come up with projects for a full year and present to the Selectmen.

Dawn Rich, Chair of Friends of the BACC advised the Friends will pay a maximum of $1500.00 if there is a shortfall and needed for the Summer Day Camp.

Robert Stewart, Sr advised they need accountability: to know where the money is coming from and where the money is going.

Robert Stewart, Sr advised the $900.00 for the bus for the summer camp is an obligation for 6 weeks, whether used or not. At this time there is no bus contract which is expected 7/29/09.

Insurance was discussed regarding instructors at the Community Center such as for Baton Twirling etc.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton that Parks and Recs voting member names be submitted to the Selectmen for their approval. Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton that all voting members must be residents of the Town of Bradford. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Robert Stewart, Sr. advised it is very important that a letter be sent saying everything has to be down on paper, the projects that they are doing for the entire year. Cheryl Behr, Administrator stated that should also include how the money needs to be handled.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to hold at a non-public meeting with Kate Dubrowski, Parks and Rec. and Friends of BACC representative at a later date. Motion seconded by Peter Fenton and carried 3-0.

At 6:55pm the Selectmen moved to the Selectmen’s office as Ben Frost was scheduled to speak on Affordable Housing Workshop in the main room.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read letters written to Mr. William Starr regarding his driveway and advising him he should attend the Selectmen’s Meeting on August 11, 2009. Also a letter was read which was sent to Robin Sanborn regarding a Right of Way, and a date of September 1, 2009 was given as a deadline to remove anything from her property.

Financial policies including checks should be payable to the Town of Bradford. Also a Receipt of Service form shall be drawn up and this should be completed on a daily basis. COPS Grant is currently in limbo, does not need to be re-applied for.

It was reported that the culverts are being replaced on Old Warner Road.

Pay raises were discussed and will be forthcoming.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton for the Highway Dept. Employees to begin a five day work week beginning September 1, 2009. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney for the Highway Dept. Employees work day to begin at 7:00am to 3:30pm. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

A personnel letter will be written with results to be accomplished within 30 days from the date of letter.

Cheryl Behr will be attending a CRDC meeting tomorrow.

Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley