Selectmen’s Minutes 04.13.15

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:35pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman


  1. David Eckman of Eckman Engineering, LLC present regarding bridge work. Stated he has done work on hundreds of bridges (with both State Bridge Aid Program & FEMA). Explained that footings should be replaced to below scour depth and precast footings work with good soil, however it is typically less costly if poured in place. Discussed complexities of Bridge Aid Program and high cost in detail. Advised that it may be most cost effective to hire a part-time engineer onto town staff. State required QBS (Qualified Based Selection) can get expensive quickly and is not always a great option for small bridges. Suggested putting bridges up to bid in Dec/Jan to save up to 100K. Agreed to pull calculations on what state ratings are based on in an effort to better understand the state’s red list criteria and to speak with the state to inquire about assessment fees.

-Selectmen thanked Mr. Eckman for his time and asked that he take a look at Water St Bridge and give input on what he thinks needs to be done.

Regular Business

  1. Selectmen advised that the Historical group has given the handicapped ramp to the Town Hall. Asked Road Agent if he could take a look and let them know when he can access it.
  2. MS272 (budget appropriations as voted by the town) signed by Selectmen
  3. Selectmen advised that no changes would be made to CAP lease agreement as the group is doing a great service for the town
  4. Town Admin advised that the legal budget is quickly dwindling- having spent $4900 this month alone.
  5. Chair reminded that last week they asked for public input and open ideas and they received it- feel they now have direction on which way they want to go. Hopeful to have volunteers for a reconstructed oversight committee by Selectmen’s Meeting 4/20/15.
  6. The point was raised that the THRC reconstruction and Town Hall move is putting a lot of added pressure on Town Administrator. Selectmen agreed, particularly as the Town office is one employee down at the moment, stated that they are trying to use her expertise- not time.
  7. Jim Bibbo advised CNHRPC is awaiting a letter that the CNHRPC has had its CEDS application approved (the regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) is waiting to receive a letter that Bradford has been approved as an economic development district, which allows Bradford to apply for Federal funds we don’t qualify for as an individual town. Jim Bibbo will file an application for a project within the regional CEDS when the regional app is approved. Will then apply for an economic development Grant to fix the 2nd floor theatre of the Town Hall that would service the greater community. (Grant plans will likely include handicapped access to 2nd floor.)

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of April 6, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted without changes.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.

-Amended 4/14/15