Selectmen’s Minutes 04.20.15

Board of Selectmen Meeting

April 20, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman

Regular Business

  1. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) contract for 2015 signed by Selectmen.
  2. Deed waivers, at Town Clerks recommendation, signed by Selectmen.
  3. Selectmen thanked Town Administrator for working with NH Historic Bridge (NHHB) group. Official award letter received from NHHB last week for Bement Bridge for total of $772K. ($616,600 from bridge aid program, $123,520 from state aid and $30,880 from town.) Qualified bid selection (QBS) coming soon- Selectmen will interview bidding contractors.
  4. Personnel action form signed by Selectmen for Karen Hambleton who will be filling in part-time for Maureen Brandon for the anticipated next 6 weeks.
  5. Town Hall Oversight Committee reviewed. Will be the responsibility of oversight committee to solicit volunteers for subcommittees. Proposed committee responsibilities as follows:
  • Physical Planning- would work closely with Project Manager to establish a plan, space and flow utilization, foundation, well, parking, temp housing, maintenance work, clean-up
  • Capital Planning- outline core components, ensure funds are available, finance from state/fed gov’t, help fund move, determine how much $ is needed for revenue bonds and get it approved at next year’s meeting
  • Construction Management Oversight Group- work closely with Architect, make sure meet legal obligations, oversee improvement of site
  • Public Relations Management Group- promotional outfit, generate enthusiasm in town
  • Manager of Volunteer Efforts- organize and coordinate volunteer efforts

Oversight committee will be comprised of the Selectmen and Town Admin (with one vote), a committee member at large, and a representative of each of the aforementioned five groups. Proposed committee leadership include: Physical Planning: Jim Bibbo; Capital Planning: Eileen Kelly; Public Relations: Claire James; Volunteer Manager: Nikki Dubaere. Positions will be voted on at Selectmen’s Meeting 4/27/15.

Selectmen took what was said at the public discussion 4/6/15 and believe this plan is not only reflective of what was said but hope this is an organization that can move forward in the right direction and get work done.

Harrry Wright expressed concern that the office move back to Town Hall should not be included in the responsibilities of the oversight committee.

6. Town Administrator stated that storage facilities were still being rented. Board advised to continue to rent a single storage unit.

7. At Selectmen’s Meeting 3/23/15 the board voted to move the town office and weekly meetings back to the Town Hall. A lot of work has been done since that time studying what’s involved both in substance and cost. Concern acknowledged over spending on things that are not continuous.

Facilities were toured recently with Fire Marshall and Architect to discuss how to get back into Town Hall, future design plans and ADA compliance regulations.

Selectman Harry Wright’s comments and concerns for the record:

“After reviewing the e-mails re: the move, I have some serious concerns…

1. ADA access through the side of the building: I am certain that this will be an issue for anyone involved with the historic integrity, likely including the LCHIP grant. Must be reviewed by them.

We’ve had a zillion reviews of the building. The last 2 architects (prior to Kelly) had plans for ADA access through the front doors. This should not be dismissed casually to simply accept the input of the last person to view the project.

2. $$$$- how are we going to pay for it? The moving project gets bigger and more complex every time we turn around.

3. Volunteers- How many volunteers have John and Sonny recruited? How many (and who) for fundraising? How much has been raised? How many (and who) for work, and in what areas?

4. Kelly Gale’s time: Kelly is putting a lot of time and effort into this move. How is she being compensated? The remaining 2014 funds are for plans for restoration, not office move.

We are playing with the taxpayer’s money without authorization of the taxpayers by warrant article. It can’t be done by manipulation of budgets that are too skinny to begin with.”

-Chair advised that when the town offices moved out of the Town Hall there was no warrant article and inquired as to who paid for that move. Reiterated importance of moving offices back into Town Hall due to safety, deed restrictions, etc. 2014 money will only be spent on permanent changes (ie: ADA entrance, fixing walls, bullet resistant glass & wall membrane). State Fire Marshall recommended where to put ADA entrance on Town Hall.

-Architect Kelly Gale spoke with Peter Michaud of DHR (NH Division of Historical Resources) and he stated he prefers the ADA entrance on side of building to preserve historic nature of front doors.

-It was expressed that cost to town needs to be defined and finances outlined. Selectmen will get a cost recap for next week. Chair advised that Kelly Gale is being paid out of the remaining 2014 funds. Selectman Harry Wright stated that those funds should be used for architectural plans. Chair stated funds should be used for permanent structural adjustments.

-No date has been set for the town office move yet due to complex concerns- still need to dissect and address issues, then Selectmen and Town Administrator will figure out where money is coming from and going to and discuss next Monday.

-Bradford Bridge offered to include necessary information regarding oversight committee and volunteer needs in May publication. Chair agreed to send info required to facilitate this.

  1. Question presented of Selectmen’s minutes 4/13/15 re: Regular Business #1. Chair stated that the Historical Society was given the ADA entrance ramp and it is sitting out in a field. Road crew is going to go pick it up and take it over to Town Hall.
  2. Budget Committee requested a Selectmen’s Representative be officially appointed to the Budget Committee. Motion made to appoint John Pfeifle as representative. Vote passed 3-0.


Eileen Kelly presented the Selectmen with donations collected by the THRC for the restoration project totaling $3,120 that are to be deposited into the Bradford Town Hall Restoration & Maintenance Trust Fund.

-Selectmen made a motion to accept the funds. Vote passed 3-0 and donations handed over to Trustee Michael James who was in attendance.

Eileen Kelly provided the Selectmen with a copy of a letter received from LCHIP outlining the next steps in the process for obtaining the grant money. There are several steps the architect needs to complete in consultation with DHR. Conversations have begun but plan documentation must be provided.

Ms. Kelly advised that Audrey Sylvester, Kelly Gale and she recently attended the NH Preservation Alliance Conference at their own expense. Noted it was informative and that Bradford’s Town Hall project was used in a workshop as an example of historic preservation.

Eileen Kelly also brought to the attention of the board the passing of Jeff Taylor of Hopkinton. Mr. Taylor was a great supported of Bradford’s Town Hall project and did several forums for the town hall. He also participated in Bradford’s design charrette. His enthusiastic support will be missed.


Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of April 13, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted without edits.

Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.