Select Board Minutes 03.25.08

MARCH 25, 2008

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the March 25th meeting to order at 6:20pm with Charles Meany and Andrew Pinard Present. Cheryl Behr, Administrator was also present.

There was a large public attendance.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised they had just come out of a non-public meeting, and wanted to let the attendees know that the Selectmen have decided to pursue a special Town Meeting in regards to the town sheds.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to table the approval of the March 18th, 2008 minutes until later on in the meeting. Charles Meany seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Rick Deschenes:

Rick Deschenes advised he had written a letter to the town, and reiterated problems he feels he is having with the dump attendents being disrespectful with tearing bags of trash open. He feels there should be signs at the dump stating where different things should go. Mr. Deschenes advised he had household trash, junk mail, and a tuna can with grease in it, in reply to Peter Fenton’s question of what was in the bag. Feels they are selectively picking on his trash. Andrew Pinard advised they are sorry there is a problem, and appreciated Mr. Deschenes coming forward. Rick Deschenes advised he would be more than happy to make signs or whatever could help at the dump area. Peter Fenton advised he did not want to make he said, she said comments, but was under the impression there was more in the trash than stated.

Selectmen signed papers:

1. Appropriations actually voted on.

2. Copy of Warrant.

3. Renewal of license for maintaining a motor vehicle junk yard.

4. Copy of French’s Park erosion control project.

5. Application for Parade Permit for July 11, 2008 for the Friends of Norris Cotton

Cancer Center Bike Event which will begin in southern NH, through town to


Town Sheds:

Steve Lucier, Road Agent, advised that most of the people who are in attendance this evening are here for a reason, that being, the conditions of the Town Sheds. He advised that the town barn is not being condemned by himself or anyone he knows of, but there are a lot of rumors around town. Brewster Caswell advised he had spoken with Steve Lucier, Road Agent at length and took a tour of the town shed today. He suggested that money be raised to up-grade existing building as the structure is fine, needing new roof, be cleaned up and updated, but not to a tune of well over a million dollars. A bay and a half could be added with a pit for the men to work on bottom of vehicles. It needs heat, updated sewage, with enough acreage available to accommodate it. He suggested to try to raise money to update and redo and build a salt shed on that established property. It is a centralized place, and need to have: dropped ceiling, proper insulation, good ventilation, heat which would come to a lot less that we’ve been talking about. There are people in this town with machinery who could put a foundation in there for just the cost of cement. Brewster advised the area is already right there, centralized and should be looked at again.

Dan Kraft advised he would volunteer to help. He feels radiant heat would be unnecessary. Steve Lucier advised they are in an instant resource business and radiant heat would be very beneficial to keep the trucks and floors dried off.

Bob LaFlamme, construction worker, auto body worker and feels radiant heat would be the best way to go, or an outside wood furnace as a second choice, with an oil or propane as a backup system. Also suggested an office/pit and a positive drainage system, suspended ceiling and good lighting.

Andrew Pinard requested to be a designated Selectmen’s Alternate for the Planning Board, and Peter Fenton will be the same for the Budget Committee. All Selectmen were in agreement.

Brewster Caswell questioned if a date could be set up for a tour for anyone interested in looking at the existing town sheds. Peter Fenton, Chair advised that has been done before, and no one came.

Andrew Pinard advised twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) was appropriated to begin renovations in that facility (town sheds).

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to hold a public meeting on Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 9:00am to walk through the town sheds for all interested parties.

Paul S. Charbonneau volunteered donating his time and equipment to help.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked all the attendees for coming.

Meeting adjourned 7:05 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary