Cemetery Minutes 11.10.16


Members present: Trustees : Jane M. Lucus ,Carey Rodd , and Diane Whalley . Also present was James Lord ,Custodian.

The minutes of the September8 ,2016 were read and accepted by D.Whalley, C.Rodd and J. Lucas


The repair costs from the original list from Cornerstone Cemetery Services dated 7/7/16  was presented by J. Lucas giving approximate estimate of repairs to be done at Baptist Church , Pleasant Hill ,Presby ,Old Burial Ground at Bradford Center ,and New Pond is $8,300. This does not include the “leaners” and  damaged stones at the other 12  smaller cemeteries. Presently, there is $2200 in the Headstone Repair Fund. The trustees unanimously agreed that a warrant for $10,000 for headstone repairs to  allow  for continuity of repair from year to year will be requested to be voted on at the 2017 Town Meeting

Jim Lord reported that brush cutting and removal have been done at Sunny Plain and New Pond cemeteries . There is more to be done at both of these and the other 3 large cemeteries. Diane will give a list to Jim  of other Fall projects that should be completed  before closing the cemeteries on Dec. 1. Also , the dog  signs requesting  a leash and picking up poop will be posted before winter.

The crematory lot cost and the volunteers for headstone cleaning will be tabled until Spring


The water has been turned off at Sunny Plain Cemetery. Jim will see to it that the faucet on 4th driveway is turned on in the Spring .

The Cemetery Trustees will not meet in Dec and Jan unless something important comes up.

Draft until approved