Planning Board Minutes 1.24.17





January 24, 2017


Meeting called to order by Erich, Chair, at 7:00PM.

Members Present

Erich Caron, Chair; Pam Bruss; Garret Bauer; Carol Troy; Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Rep Suzzanne Simano, Alternate

Members Absent

Claire James, Vice Chair; Mark Keith; Doug Troy; Steve Chase, Alternate; Miriam D’Angona; Michael James, Alternate


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of Jan. 10, 2016 we approved

Public Hearing for New Sign Ordinance

Public meeting was opened at 7:03PM by Erich Caron

Pam presented the new Sign Ordinance and had copies available for the public to review. She informed the Board that the New Sign Ordinance has been presented to the Select board, the Zoning Board, and the Bradford Business association. The biggest change that they are proposing is the process that towns members will go through to get a sign permit, they are proposing that the sign application get brought to the Planning Board and they would either deny or approve. Pam read through the feedback that she received and mentioned how they have changed things around to show the feedback from the community. Motion to approve new proposed sign ordinance, vote 4-0 and 1abstained.

G&A (Map3/Lot82B): On January 17th the State DOT went and removed the signs on rt.103. Amy expressed that she felt very targeted by the Planning Board and that this has now effected her business. The Planning Board apologized for the brake down in communication and any confusion regarding the sign situation but informed Amy that at this point this is an issue that she has to take up with the State; the Planning Board has no jurisdiction. The Chief suggested to Amy that she get a lawyer and go to the State and bring the evidence that the sign post has been there for a very long time. Pam also suggested to Amy that she put together a plan and bring it to the ZBA for a Special Exception regarding a larger sign on Martin Chivers property Map3/Lot74A&B.

Other Business:

Pizza Chef (Map33/Lot118&110) requested to place an awning and had plans that were given to Pam. After reviewing the plans the Board had concerns and felt that the request was contrary to the Master Plan because it would be signage due to the fact that it says Coke cola on it. Pam said she would bring the concerns to the owner, but will also remind him that there was no official vote because there has not been an official application presented.


The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 14th, 2016 at 7:00pm at BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 8:37PM


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.