Select Board Minutes 04.09.08

APRIL 9, 2008
8:30 am

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order with Andrew Pinard, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Charles Meany is absent.

Bob Stewart, Budget Committee arrived 9:05AM.

Andrew Pinard advised this meeting is to review documents for Petition for Superior Court and Article I on page 5 of said document which are the four Warrant Articles that were under consideration is now null and void. Also number 7 on page 4 does not exist anymore and the whole paragraph should be struck. Language in number 8 needs changing by changing the Article numbers updated if decided to move forward. In number 10, need to strike Article I.

Andrew Pinard suggested that if the Selectmen are going to go forward with this, then they need to be committed to the idea that we can rehabilitate the existing facility, or build a new smaller facility on the same lot.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised he would like to consider three options, the upper site, re-doing the present and add three bays or erect metal building on the same footprint.

Both Selectmen that were present agreed that Attorney Tim Bates should stop working on the Petition For Special Town Meeting at this time until they find out just where this is going.

Different options were discussed at length.

Hank Thomas, Contractor looked at the present conditions of the buildings at the Town Sheds.

One thought was that a new metal building could be erected and volunteers could be utilized for finishing etc.

Also a Lease/Purchase of a steel building could perhaps be used at the upper site.

A Bond Hearing will have to be held.

There is twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) available for Engineer or Contractor to look at the present Town Sheds for rehabilitating.

It was suggested that perhaps the April 19, 2008 scheduled meeting would be a good time for an engineer or contractor to look at the facility. It should be some uninterested person. Andrew Pinard advised that if they are going to move forward with this, a person who will serve as Project Manager needs to be found, who will coordinate the volunteers and professional resources to do the building and deal with the schedule.

Chris Frey questioned if a Lease/Option is available to a Municipality?

Andrew Pinard suggested that perhaps a letter for the volunteers could be ready for the April 19, 2008 meeting so they could sign up for what work they can accomplish, providing an inventory of services available.

Peter Fenton, Chair will check with Hank Thomas, Contractor to see if he would be interested in giving an estimate on rehabilitating the old town sheds.

Bob Stewart questioned the liability insurance for volunteers. Andrew Pinard advised this would need to be worked out.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator discussed RFP for gravel and advised that an estimated 3,000 yards was used. Out of town sources was $11.00 to $12.00 per yard last year. If located in town, it was estimated at $7.00 to $7.50 per yard. Peter Fenton suggested another RFP be given requesting a delivered price for out of town providers.

The Budget Committee will be meeting on August 29, 2008 with a May 9, 2008 Public Hearing date set.

Meeting Adjourned 9:35am

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
