Select Board Minutes 12.01.09

DECEMBER 1, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Peter Fenton, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Kate Dobrowski – Community Center Budget reviews:

Kate Dobrowski presented a paper to the Selectmen replying to budget questions as outlined by Cheryl Behr, Administrator, which include:

1. List of events            2. Revolving Fund         3. French’s Park Improvements

4. New Equipment        5. Training                    6. Nature’s Camp

There was some discussion regarding the previously discussed skating rink and before actually doing this, it needs to be brought before the Selectmen.

Conversation ensued between the Selectmen and Kate Dobrowski and the Selectmen will look this information over and come to some decisions.

James Valiquet, Chief of Police – Budget reviews:

James Valiquet, Chief of Police came before the Selectmen and requested hiring a part time police officer, Chris Buker from Hillsboro who is part time certified and is attending NEC.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to hire Chris Buker as a part time Police Officer. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Chris Buker will start work as soon as uniforms are available per Chief Valiquet.

Police Chief Valiquet is requesting a copy machine for the office. He quoted a range in prices for copiers from $3800.00 to $6600.00. This is a necessity as well as convenience. Leasing figures ranged from $130.00 to $165.00 per month. A three year contract would have to be signed. It will be checked into how much the cost would be if a contract needed to be broken. The Police Department currently has 5 portable and two mobile radios, and will be requiring one additional if another vehicle is purchased. Another concern of Chief Valiquet is to clean up the police office by putting in portable wall partitions, obtaining serviceable furniture, installing a service window and an interview and small break room. The contents of the present storage room could be moved to a section of the old highway garage, and this will be coordinated with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent. It was stated that all the requests need to be in writing.

Jim Rowley, Maple view Drive with Building Inspector issues:

Jim Rowley came before the Selectmen with issues with things that were not done and/or overlooked by the Building Inspector, on his home built by Mark Brunnel, Builder. Charles Meany recused himself. Mr. Rowley stated that the building code was not held up. Mr. Rowley advised he has nearly $100,000 in damages. The concrete is busted up. Mr. Rowley advised he has talked with Mr. Schulz, Deputy Fire Marshall who indicated they hold the building codes for the State of New Hampshire and dictate who, how, where, when. Mr. Schulz indicated they go by the IBC (International Building Code) 2006. Mr. Rowley advised the Bradford Building Inspector thought they were going by the 2003 Building Codes. It was pointed out that the IBC quoted was for commercial building. What a homeowner would be covered under is the International Residential Code. Mr. Rowley questioned what can be done to correct this. He stated he has already put $16,000 in repairs into the house. A certificate of occupancy was issued prior to the building being complete per Mr. Rowley. Mr. Rowley also advised that Contoocook Well Company will not fill out the well completion report as they never inspected the well. He will get copies of these letters for the Selectmen. Also, the design for his septic system that is on file is for a neighbor’s house up the street, he does not have a copy of his own septic system. The Selectmen advised they will look into this and get back to him by their next scheduled meeting, December 15th or hopefully sooner.

Conservation Committee:

Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission and Beth McGuinn, Ausborn Sargent Land Trust, regarding Conservation Easement and two Warrant Articles. It was advised the LCHIP Grant hearing will be in January then the following Warrant Article will be submitted:

Shall the Town vote to adopt the provisions of RSA36-A:4-a, I(b) to authorize the conservation commission to expend funds for contributions to “qualified organizations: for the purchase of property interests, or facilitating transactions related thereto, where the property interest is to be held by the qualified organization and the town will retain no interest in the property? It was explained that the land restrictions is in a 25 page document. It was stated that the land owner, Mr.& Mrs. Erickson requested there be no public access on the actual farm land as long as it isomg farmed.

Jack Meaney questioned what would happen if the farm is sold. In reply, he was advised that the Easement would allow that land to remain open for farming into the future. The landowner remains the manager of the land. Beth McGuinn advised that if the Ausborn Sargent Land Trust went out of business, then the Secretary of State office would come to the town to hold the easement in their absence. Beth also advised that RSA 36A could be adopted at town meeting, which would say the town can make donations to Conservation Projects but it does not have to hold interest in the easement itself, which would get the town off the hook of being executory interest holder. Charles Meany, Chair questioned who is legally liable for what happens on the land, to which the response was, the land owner. The Conservation Commission is prepared to put in the Warrant Article at Town Meeting.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief and Richard Branch:

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief came before the Selectmen regarding the Rescue Budget

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard, came before the Selectmen and discussed the old highway policy with current revisions from the last update which was in 1978. The sidewalks have not been plowed for many years; however the Supreme Court states they now must be done. Jeff advised there are now some new truck tires on the market that do not require chains and are supposedly very aggressive on ice. The Selectmen signed the new policy.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) for winter maintenance, snow plowing, and ice control in the Town of Bradford. Peter Fenton seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

A skid steer verses a trackless sidewalk plow was discussed at a cost of about $28,000. This equipment could clean hydrants, used at the dump, and road side mowing as well as snow removal at the Community Center and Town Hall area. This equipment could be used by the existing road crew. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent will assist in putting the Christmas wreaths up along Main Street tomorrow.

Dan Peret, Highway Dept. employee came before the Selectmen and requested if the Selectmen are going to talk to the crew, they should talk to all of them together to prevent dissention, the crew all work as a team. Dan also advised he will be retiring in nine Mondays after working for the town since 1995. The Selectmen thanked Dan for coming in.

Accounts Payable were reviewed and signed.

The electrical work for the decorations has been complete.

Grants were discussed and explained the amount of work that goes into applying.

Budgets were reviewed.

Deposit Pool transfer authorization signed.

The Selectmen have scheduled meeting on Dec. 15, 2009 and December 29, 2009.

Charles Meany, Chair will be unable to meet on the first Tue. of each month at the usual time, and would like to meet on a Monday for that meeting. The decision for meeting time is for the Selectmen’s meetings to be changed to 5:00pm on the first Tue. of each month beginning January 5, 2010.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator requested the December 15, 2009 as a Public Hearing to accept all anticipated revenues received during the year.

Health plan discussion took place.

Marlene Freyler questioned the BSNYS method of requesting money at Town Meeting, and would like them to present why they need these funds.

The paperwork for the Generator Grant was discussed.

Cheryl Behr will check out putting a street light back on the street in front of the Community Center.

The December 15th meeting is scheduled to start at 5:00pm for Non-Public session.

Motion was made to go into Non Public Session per RSA 91A311. Motion seconded and carried at 7:55pm.

Non Public Session per RSA 91A311

Personnel matters were discussed and a letter will be written. No other decisions were made.

Out of Non-Public meeting at 9:10pm

Motion to adjourn made, seconded and carried at 9:10pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley,