Select Board Minutes 12.15.09

DECEMBER 15, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:00pm with Peter Fenton, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to go into Non-Public session under RSA 91A311

No decisions were made.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to go out of Non-Public session and into regular Selectmen’s meeting at 5:30pm

Regular Selectmen’s Meeting.

Charles Meany, advised the December 1, 2009 minutes would be approved later.


Naomi Payne, County Road, Craig Road and Purington Road, Map 2, Lot 40-24. It was stated that a letter needs to come from Steward’s to Payne’s advising them they could use the Right of Way. This is not between the town and Stewards. This needs to show access road from Craig Road. Mr. Payne was advised by Jack Meaney that he does need a Driveway Permit and also showing his plans to the Road Agent. It was also stated that a Boundary Line Adjustment will need to be applied for through the Planning Board.

Review and Consideration of the December 1, 2009 minutes.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve the December 1, 2009 minutes. On page 2, line one should read: Mr. Schulz, Deputy Fire Marshall. Peter Fenton seconded the motion. Motion with edit carried 3-0.

Public Hearing:

Public Hearing to accept all unanticipated revenues received in 2009 which include:

1. Municipal Managed Bridge Funds – West Meadow and West Roads.

2. State reimbursements for Storm related expenses on West Meadow Road Bridge (2005 storm)

3. FEMA reimbursements for West Meadow Road Bridge (2005 storm)

4. Grant funds received for Archery ($300) Farmers Market ($300), French’s Park ($4,300.), Hazard Mitigation -generator ($3,050 – anticipated before 12/31), NH the Beautiful – baler ($4,000.) Charles Meany, Chair opened the meeting for Public Comments. There being none, the meeting was closed for Public Comments.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept the unanticipated revenues received in 2009. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Motion carried 3-0.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Request was made from Cheryl Behr, Administrator that on all bills received from all departments to please show account numbers.

Jack Meaney advised the computer is hooked up at the Town Sheds and is nearly ready for use.

Budget Worksheets Reviewed:

Budget items were gone over by the Selectmen.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to set the #4150 – Financial Administration budget at $80,568.00. Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to reduce the #4191 – Planning and Zoning budget to $12,700.00 for 2010, by reducing line item #6002 to $1200.00. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to set the #4194 – General Government Bids. To $36,982.00. Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to set the #4550 – Library budget at $62,525. Jack Meaney seconded the motion. Carried 3-0.

#4583 – Patriotic Purposes – Comment was that Mike Ripberger did not want to take money for repairing Brown Shattuck Field until Spring.

#4589 – Community Center Budget kept the same as last year at $77,830.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton for #4619 – Conservation to be set at $750.00 to keep in line with the zero budget being sought this year. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion Carried 3-0.

Insurance was discussed and do to the fact there were no raises authorized for the employees, the town will absorb the additional cost for the medical benefits. It was also pointed out that the increase is very small for a single person.

Highway Department Report:

Jack Meaney advised the Skid Steer expected delivery date is by Friday, December 18, 2009. This sidewalk plow has a climate control cab, set of forks, bucket attachment, snow blower with additional attachments available. This piece of used equipment is coming from Caterpillar at a cost of twenty eight ($28,000.00) dollars, and is fully maintained. This piece of equipment can be used at the land fill as well. Jack Meaney advised three trucks were broken down during the first snow storm. In reply to a question asked by Dick Keller if the money was in the budget to purchase the skid steer, Charles Meany, Chair replied No. Charles Meany, Chair asked is it in the budget as a line item to procure a piece of equipment? No, it was not. Is it money you have to raise by taxation? No, you do not. It is money that the town had, that was saved. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that because the highway garage took so long to build, the town did not have to make the first payment on it which was $15,000.00. Also available was unspent money in the highway department fuel budget. Last year, $36,000.00 was budgeted for diesel fuel, and actually $24,000.00 was left.

Marcia Keller, Laura Hallahan and Others:

Laura Hallahan introduced the group as consisting of some of the Bradford Improvement Association, Bradford Business Association and concerned citizens, who are looking for Selectmen guidance, specifically in the downtown area. Looking to see if any of the properties could be addressed using RSA’s Laura presented a paper to the Selectmen listing several vacant properties along Main Street. The concern of the group is: “The overall appearance of Bradford’s Main Street may well deter both to potential developers of those properties and others looking at property in the town. A survey of Main Street indicates properties where the Selectmen have authority to take action and several others where encouragement and quiet support could be helpful in improving the appearance.” Also listed were three Main Street properties in need of regulatory attention, as well as seven properties of concern regarding general appearance, disrepair, vacant, abandonment, empty commercial. Three Statutes/Regulations/Ordinances listed are: RSA 236:112 Junkyards – quantity of (as defined) equal in bulk to 2 or more motor vehicles.

RSA 155-B Hazardous & Dilapidated Buildings – any building which, because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physical damage, unsanitary condition, or abandonment, constitutes a fire hazard or a hazard to public safety or health. RSA 485 -A PES Septic Regulations

Bradford Zoning Ordinance Article III. C. Fire or Other Ruins No owner or occupant of a lot in any district shall permit fire or other ruins to remain. Within one (1 year of the event causing the ruins, the owner or occupant shall remove or refill the same to clear ground level or shall repair, rebuild, or replace the building. Much conversation ensued

Charles Meany, Chair suggested the citizens put a Warrant Article on to pass and accept the International Property Rental Codes which is part of the ICC codes. This could be done by collecting 25 signatures, and then the Selectmen would make sure the terminology was correct. A total figure would also be needed to come up with to allow the Building Inspector to follow through. Also pointed out that until the code is passed, there is legally not much that can be done with properties. Charles Meany, Chair stated that the Bocca Codes are no longer in effect, but has been replaced by the ICC Codes, which has many subsections consisting of International Residential Code, International Building Code; both of those have been accepted in the State of New Hampshire. One of the Codes the State has not accepted is the Property Maintenance Codes, but is enforced in cities such as Manchester where a team of inspectors go around and inspect every rental property in the area.

Marcia Keller advised that the Selectmen’s letters can be effective. Charles Meany, Chair stated that the Selectmen can and will forward letters to property owners in question, and get back to the group with the outcome.

Peter Fenton advised that if many cars, garbage etc. on properties are seen, then it should be brought to the Selectmen’s Office attention in writing. There is a complaint form available from the Town Office. When a formal complaint comes into the Town, that office will notify all Department’s concerned.

Much discussion ensued. Laura Hallahan questioned the Selectmen if there is anything the group can do to help them. Peter Fenton stated that having the concerned group come before the Selectmen was great.

Laura Hallahan thanked the Selectmen for talking with the group.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley

[01.04.10: Notes were OCRd by webmaster from hardcopies. Apologies for any typographical errors that may have crept in.]