Select Board Minutes 12.22.09

DECEMBER 22, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call

Charles Meany, Chair opened the December 22, 2009 meeting at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Peter Fenton, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Jeff Remillard, Road Agent came before the Selectmen and advised the Skid Steer was delivered today and will be tried out on the sidewalks tomorrow. The Highway Budget was gone over and discussed. It was again reiterated by Peter Fenton that a zero percent increase is aimed for this year.

Mention was made by Peter Fenton to allow a 2% increase over last year’s highway budget for a net increase of $7,500.00 for 2010. $2,500.00 can be spent on signs now. Motion seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Jones Road gravel pit was discussed as to what will become of it in the future. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent questioned reclaiming as they go along.

Motion was made to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91 :A:3-II at 6:00pm.

Non-Public Session 6: 00pm

Personnel issues were discussed with no decisions made at this time.

Back to Regular Meeting 6:13pm

Jack Meaney expressed appreciation to Jeff Remillard for donating the use of his excavator at the Jones Road pit at no charge to the town except for the fuel used and trucking of the machine. It was unanimously accepted by the board to accept this donation.

Chris Aiken came before the Selectmen to request the Transfer Station hours be changed from opening at 10:00am to opening at 8:00am, which would be more convenient for businesses. Charles Meany, Chair advised that the Transfer Station Manager is there early, in preparation of opening. Mr. Aiken was advised that the Selectmen will discuss this and will have an answer at their January 19, 2010 meeting.

The Police Department Budget was discussed at length.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to set the Police Budget at two hundred ninety thousand ($290,000) dollars total for 2010. Jack Meaney seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Accounts payable manifests were reviewed and signed.

The Alarm systems were reviewed and an estimate has been procured for fire and burglar alarm for the Highway Garage and outbuildings. There are funds available this year and this will be set up.

Community Center Budget was discussed at length with one concern being the cost of the music at the Farmer’s Market being discontinued, thus eliminating that charge. Motion was made by Peter Fenton that the Selectmen vote to remove the Summer Camp portion of the budget from the Community Center. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Carried 3-0. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will notify Kate Dobrowski that this portion of the programs is being eliminated from the budget by the Selectmen.

Road resurfacing was discussed at length.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton that the BNSYS put in a petition at Town Meeting regarding the money they request. Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Two prices need to be obtained for a new roof for Bement Bridge.

Chris Aiken advised there will be another Road Committee meeting prior to the Warrant Article deadline.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that the Emax Medical Billing Company for the Bradford Rescue has stated that some of the insurance checks have been paid to the patient directly and they have not forwarded payment to the billing company. A copy of the letter, signed by the Selectmen, that is being sent to these people is attached.

Peter Fenton reported that he received a letter from a summer resident who questioned there being no Bradford information in the Intertown Record. The Secretary was instructed to forward minutes to the paper.

Marge Cilley advised the Town Clock has been looked at today by a person who can do the repairs, and he will produce an estimate within a week.

Peter Fenton said the Selectmen would like to say: “Happy Holidays and Thanks for all the work done, and effort they’ve made to all the Town Employees”.

Non Public per RSA 91:A:3-II

At 7:05pm

Personnel issues were discussed with no decisions being made at this time.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to seal all the Non-Public Minutes from the December 22, 2009 meeting. Carried 3-0.

Out of Non-Public meeting at 7:25pm.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley

[01.04.10: Notes were OCRd by webmaster from hardcopies. Apologies for any typographical errors that may have crept in.]