BACC Governance Board/Commission
Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2011 4:30 pm
Present: Kate Dobrowski, Bruce Edwards, Debbie Flinkstrom, Karen Hambleton, Margaret Raymond, Ona Ruchti, Jim Valiquet
Absent: Will Hurley, Robert Manchester
The meeting opened at 4:40 pm.
Status: The Selectboard approved the appointment of Bruce, Debbie, Margaret, Bob, Will and Karen to the Commission. The Selectboard did not agree to appoint Jim as he is not a resident of Bradford.
Due to a conflict of several schedules, Jim will reschedule Kerry Horne’s visit for August 2nd.
MINUTES: The minutes from the May 10th and June 14th meetings were approved.
SENIORS: After the sessions on June 6th and 13th, fitness class was all done for the summer. It was celebrated with an annual picnic. There was a great turnout and fitness will start up again in September. The foot clinic, blood pressure screenings and quilting continues. Mary Derry was appointed as Judge of Quilting. There was a well-attended trip to King Arthur Baker’s store. A special trip was held on the Mount Washington for a dozen or so volunteers. This was sponsored by CAP appreciation for our loyalty in volunteering. There was a huge turnout for the lunch on July 12th. Could it be that word got out about our new air-conditioning?
KAP: Nicole Wallace will return as our lead teacher in late August. We’re interviewing Assistant Teacher candidates.
PARKS AND REC: Bradford Fun Day will be held on Sunday September 18th this year.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Kate shared the report she submitted to the Selectboard. A group of volunteers from “Day of Caring” would like to come Wednesday September 14th for 6 hours or so. Kate will develop a list of tasks they can tackle. Kate will also make a list of supplies needed to run by the Selectboard.
CAP LEASE: It was decided to split the difference in what CAP wanted to pay vs. what was asked. There has been no response from CAP yet to this proposal.
COMMISSION NAME: Those present decided they preferred the name BACC GOVERNANCE COMMISSION. We need to put Ona (2 years) and Christine’s (3 years) names before the Selectboard.
DIRECTOR’S JOB DESCRIPTION: The proposed job description was discussed. We should run any questions about this by Kerry Horne.
Americorps will visit July 25th at 10:00 to review the site and get us on the State shelter list.
The meeting concluded at 5:43.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Hambleton, Secretary
Next work session: August 2nd 4:30pm (Kerry Horne)
Next meeting: August 9th 4:30pm