In January 2020, a small group of Bradford residents formed a committee to find ways for the Town to save electricity and thereby reduce the town’s operating expenses and use of fossil fuels. Accordingly, the Bradford Alternative Energy Committee was formed and approved by the Selectmen. Members researched energy consumption in the Town and networked with other local municipalities on energy saving programs and initiatives. As a result of these efforts, energy audits of the Bradford Area Community Center, Brown Memorial Library, Town Garage and Fire Station were arranged and conducted as a part of Eversource Energy’s municipal energy efficiency program (NHSAVES) at no cost to the Town.
In January 2021, changes in membership, committee name and mission were proposed to the Select Board. The Committee will now be known as The Bradford Energy Committee (BEC).
Mission Statement
The Bradford Energy Committee will assist the Town and residents in reducing energy consumption thereby saving money, conserving natural resources, and reducing our use of fossil fuels. This will be achieved by:
- Promoting energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy options,
- Research and guidance with investments in town infrastructure,
- Incorporating energy conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy opportunities during the Municipal procurement process, and
- Identifying and communicating information on incentives, cost saving and cost sharing opportunities associated with these goals.
In January 2021, the first energy report, “Energy Audit Sponsored by Eversource Energy for Brown Memorial Library” was received. The BEC has submitted a warrant article by petition to enable Brown Memorial Library to complete the recommended energy saving measures.
As energy audits are received in the coming months the BEC will continue working with town facilities managers to implement desired energy saving measures.