Brown Memorial Library Trustee Meeting Minutes 06.12.19

In attendance: Devin Pendleton, Annette Leonas, Sandy Wadlington, Patty Furness, Connie Scheffy, Laurie Farrell, and Ellen Barselle

There was a motion by Connie (and seconded by Annette) to accept the minutes from May 2019 which was approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Donations are all on par with previous months. Annette (treasurer) discussed talking to bank to get more favorable interest rates on our larger CD’s. There was a motion by Connie (seconded by Seth) to go ahead with the pursuit of higher interest rates at the local Bar Harbor Bank. Motion was passed.

There was a motion (again, Connie and Seth) to accept treasurer’s report, which passed.

Librarian’s Report: Attendance numbers are similar to past months. 80 people showed up on the first Friday of the new hours. Librarians are preparing for the summer reading program which begins on July 8th. Ellen discussed the “rewards” program which offers incentives for for kids to read. She discussed a raffle. Ellen also mentioned other summer programs: a fairy garden workshop and a poetry reading. Ellen asked for 2 comfortable bean bag chairs for the Children’s Area. Ellen announced the new part-time employee, Gemma Laser (who replaced Leah Cummings). Sandy made a motion to allocate 600 dollars from special projects funds to pay for summer programs and bean bag chairs. Seth seconded, and all voted in favor.

There was no “old business” discussed other than how good the new LED lights look.

New business: The forthcoming book and plant sale was discussed. Date will be Saturday July 6th, from 9AM to 2PM. A possible float for the 4th of July Parade (also on the 6th) was discussed as well.

Seth made a motion to adjourn which Connie seconded and which passed. Meeting ended at 7PM.

Sandy Wadlington,
