Budget Comm minutes 01.18.16



Budget Committee of Jan 18, 2016


Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm.   In attendance:  Dick Keller, Chris Mock, Beth Down, Chairperson; John Pfeifle, Don Jackson, Jennifer Richardson, Kathy Rogers.  Cheryl Behr prepared minutes.


Discussion on funding the Fire Department warrant for a washer/dryer and drain containment system. The discussion was to liquidate the ambulance capital reserve ($70,787 plus interest) into the general fund as one warrant article and the fund the Washer/Dryer/Drain sys from Fund Balance.  The remaining balance (+/- 16,700) would be taken off the cost of the fire pumper.


Discussion on the need for the pumper of that size, other possible options (water sys) were discussed. Useful life of the equipment, ability to access homes and bridges and the availability of used or smaller equipment were discussed.


The matter of purchasing the pumper now (CIP recommended 2019-20) was discussed. Low interest rates and avoiding increased equipment costs in 2020, highlighted considerable savings to the town for the purchase.


Reworking the figures to reflect the new amount to fund follows:

The current cost of the Equipment is $475,000.  The town would be looking to      finance $388,300.  For 7 years it would be a 2.6% rate and annual payment of            $60,732.


The same #$388,300 for 10 years it would be a 3.0% rate with an annual payment of $44,993.


Motion was made to liquidate the ambulance capital reserve and return the money to the general fund. Motion, second and vote was unanimous.


Motion to fund the Fire Dept Washer/Dryer/Drainage capture system form Fund Balance was motioned, seconded and vote passed unanimously


Motion to apply the remaining $16,700 to the purchase of the pumper truck was motioned, seconded and voted to pass unanimously


Motion to recommend the fire pumper for bonding this year. Motion, second vote passed with 5 yes, 2 no (Keller & Richardson)


Committee met to review the remaining Warrant Articles and possible funding :

Hwy Expendable Trust:          passed unanimously    25,000.00

Hwy Truck Lease                    passed unanimously     30,400.00


Cemetery Tree removal           passed unanimously     10,000.00

BNSYS                                   passed unanimously       2,750.00

Police Cruiser                          hold                                8,770.00

Return Town Offices

To Town hall                           hold                              30,000.00

Boat Launch                           passed unanimously       6,000.00

Road Work                             hold

Capital reserves;

Fire Heavy equip         passed unanimously     35,000.00

Fire bldg maint            passed unanimously       5,000.00

Town Facilities            passed unanimously       5,000.00

Revaluation                 passed unanimously       5,000.00

Town emergency         passed unanimously       5,000.00

Gravestone                  passed unanimously       1,000.00


Next meeting on January 25th at 6:30 pm (after selectmen’s meeting).  Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.