Budget Committee Agenda 12.20.18

Town of Bradford
Budget Committee Meeting Agenda
December 20, 2018
6:30 pm at the Bradford Area Community Center

Members: Marlene Freyler (Vice Chair), Claire James, Mark Fournier, Michael James (Select Board Representative), Jason Allen; Cheryl Croto, David Nunnally

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
1. Elect new Chair
Receipt of Correspondence
1. Review draft budget
Review & Consideration of Meeting Minutes from October 13th, 2018
Old Business
1. Follow up on gravel cost
2. Follow up on obtaining a publication of The Basic Law of Budgeting – Marlene Freyler
Review of Budget & Expenditures
1. Account 4150-5600, Association Dues
2. Account 4194-3901, Contract Services
3. Account 4220-4303, Repair & Maintenance Vehicles
4. Account 4312-4307, Repair & Maintenance Bridge Repair
5. Account 4312-4400, Equipment Rental
6. Account 4323-7300, Repair & Maintenance
Receipt of Information or Proposal’s
Future Business
1. Next meeting will be held January 17, 2019 unless otherwise scheduled