Budget Committee and Select Board Minutes 01.08.18


January 8, 2018

Meeting called to order at 5:45 pm (following a brief Select Board meeting) by Beth Downs.

Members Present

Beth Downs, Chair; Claire James; Michael James; Dave Nunnally; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent

Chris Mock; Kathy Rodgers

Review Minutes from Last Meeting:

The minutes will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Line by Line Review of Budget:

John briefly reviewed the overall budget. Following that, the group examined each department request more closely.


There was discussion about the increase in the health insurance line due to an employee picking up benefits. The Budget Committee recommended $183,000 for the Executive budget and determined there is no need to speak with the Department Head.

Election, Registration and Vital Statistics:

It was noted there would be 3 elections this year. The Budget Committee recommended $8000 for this line.

Financial Administration:

The Budget Committee had questions about the Computer Supplies, Clerk Election Expense and Equipment Purchase lines. The Committee would like to have the Town Clerk/Tax Collector come discuss these lines.

Revaluation of Property:

The increase in the budget is due to more accurate figures from the assessor (who grossly underestimated this year and to stay within budget, hasn’t billed us since May). Karen was asked to check on the legal requirements of valuing property in Town and to check with the Assessor on his figures. There was a discussion about assessing services in general. Sonny added that he thought it was a thankless job and that our current assessor had actually saved money, particularly when it comes to abatements. The Budget Committee recommended this line at $28,000.


With the AutoCraft case litigated, legal expenses are expected to fall in 2018. The Budget Committee recommended this line at $21,000.

Planning and Zoning:

There were questions about the circuit rider and conferences line which Claire and Sonny were able to address. The Budget Committee recommended the line at $11,000.

Gen Govt Buildings:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $67,000.


It was noted that some of the money held in trust for the Cemeteries could be used to offset operating expense. The Budget Committee recommended that this line be budgeted at $25,000 with $5,000 coming from the trust.


The Budget Committee recommended this line at $65,113. This figure was given to the Town by the insurance company.

Other General Govt:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $6,700.


The Committee discussed the Overtime Expense line. Karen explained that the reason it was over budget this year had to do with unexpected extended absences. The Committee also had questions about the increases in the gasoline and dispatch lines. The Budget Committee recommended this line at $468,000 and asked that the Police Dept be invited to come clarify the questions.

Fire Dept:

The Committee had a question as to what the new “Contract Services – Maintenance” line with the requested amount of $2800 would be used for. It was suggested that the answer could be provided via email. No budget figure was recommended.

Rescue Squad:

The Committee had questions about the end of year spending that took place and why the equipment line for 2017 was overspent by $4000. It was suggested these questions could be asked and answered via email as well. The Budget Committee recommended this line at $15,000 contingent on the answers to be provided.

Rescue Contract Services:

It was noted that the actual expense for 2017 was significantly less than expected. The Budget Committee recommended this line at $65,000.

Building Dept/Code Enforcement:

There was no requested increase to this line. The Budget Committee recommended this line at $15,000.

Civil Defense:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $2500.


It was mentioned that the Bradford, Sutton and Warner are investigating the joint purchase of a boom mowing arm and tractor. The Budget Committee had questioned what happened with the old mower attachment. They also questioned why the $9000 for dust control had been requested but not spent the past two years. There was discussion about overtime hours and rumor that only one person was getting them. There was also a question about why P/T hours had been reduced and what Outside Services was used for. Karen will talk to the Road Agent to get answers to the questions. There was no recommendation made for this line.


The Budget Committee recommended this line at $1.

Street Lighting:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $3300.

Solid Waste Collection:

The Committee questioned why the 2017 F/T wage expense was over budget. Following discussion, the Budget Committee recommended this line at $81,000.

Solid Waste Disposal:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $20,000.


The Budget Committee recommended this line at $7,000.

Welfare Payments:

It was noted that there have been an increased number of requests for assistance needed and that this is expected to continue in 2018. The Budget Committee recommended this line at $35,000.

Parks and Rec:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $2,000.


The Budget Committee recommended this line at $70,000.

Patriotic Purposes:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $18,000.

Community Center:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $22,000.


The Budget Committee recommended this line at $900.

Long Term Notes:

The Budget Committee recommended this line at $69,840.

At the next meeting (Thursday, January 11, 2018), the committee will review the warrant items, minutes and meet with Department Heads.

There was no public input.

As there was no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned from joint session with the Select Board into a public session Select Board meeting at 8:15.

Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton.