Budget Committee Meeting and Public Hearing Minutes 02.04.21

Members: Laurie Colburn (Chair), Mark Fournier (Vice Chair), Doug Southard (joined at 6:37pm), Tim McKenna, Justin Dohrn and Select Board representative Marlene Freyler were in attendance

Karen Hambleton (Town Administrator) was present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Laurie announced the resignation of Chris Frey due to his appointment as an interim Select Board member.

Laurie also shared that she received a call from Sue McKevitt who provided additional detail regarding a Warrant item for tree removal at the Bradford Pines, which the Budget Committee did not recommend. The work will be done by a professional tree service resource who would be cleaning up the Tall Pines site.

Old Business:

  • Review and consideration of the January 21st, 2021 meeting minutes.

Motion: Mark Fournier motioned to approve the minutes as written.

Second:  Marlene Freyler

Decision: 5-0 in favor

  • The Committee revoted the total General Budget dollar recommendation as it had previously been voted $2,000 short of the line item totals.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to approve the General Budget total of $2,339,948.

Second:  Mark Fournier

Decision: 5-0 in favor

  • The Budget Committee discussed some adjustment recommended by the new Select Board. There were questions regarding the proposed increase to include funding for building inspections. Justin expressed a better path may be to include this funding on a Warrant Article in the event that the Zoning Amendment to eliminate a Town Building Code does not pass. The Committee discussed various scenarios that could impact the level of funding needed. The Budget Committee felt that the Select Board should motion on the floor if any increase is needed once they have had time to do some additional diligence on the process, roles and responsibilities. The Committee also discussed a Petitioned Warrant Article to make energy improvements at the Library. They would like to better understand the scope of work and payback. The documentation provided indicates this work would result in a 10-year payback but the scope of the exact improvements was vague.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to leave the total General Budget of $2,339,948 as previously recommended.

Second:  Doug Southard

Decision: 5-1 in favor; Marlene Freyler was not in favor

New Business:

  • As noticed, a Public Hearing was opened at 7:03pm for the purpose of open disclosure and discussion on the proposed 2021 budget prior to the Budget Committee’s recommendation of the same, per RSA 32:5:

The Budget Committee has recommended a total General Budget of $2,339,948.

The were no public comments.

The Committee discussed how to evolve to a process where recommendations on funding levels are provided as initial guidance when outlining budget targets. The Committee discussed opportunities to be more forward looking.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:13pm.

  • The Committee reviewed new Warrant Articles proposed by the Select Board as well as adjustments made to previous proposed Articles:

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to recommend a Warrant Article to payoff the Road Bond with $83,000 from Fund Balance.

Second:  Justin Dohrn

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Motion: Justin Dohrn motioned to recommend an Article to fund $4,000 for a French’s Park Attendant.

Second:  Mark Fournier

Decision: 4-2 in favor; Laurie Colburn and Doug Southard were not in favor

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned not to recommend $8,000 in Energy Improvements for the Library.

Second:  Mark Fournier

Decision: 6-0 in favor

The Committee discussed a Petitioned Warrant Article to sell Town property. The Committee questioned whether the language should be amended, but as a Petitioned Warrant Article, the language will stay as it was submitted.

Future Business

  • The Budget Committee will meet on March 11th, 2021 at 6:30pm.

Motion: Mark Fournier motioned to adjourn at 7:35pm

Second: Justin Dohrn

Vote: 6-0 in favor

Draft Minutes written and submitted by Laurie Colburn