Budget Committee Minutes 01.03.13

JANUARY 3, 2013

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:32pm with George Cilley, Jon Marden, Don Jackson, Beth Rodd, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary. Will Hurley was absent.

Review and Consideration of December 19, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by George Cilley to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion carried 6-0.

Budget Interviews with Departments:

Police Department – Police Officers Ed Shaughnessy and Brian Eaton came before the Budget Committee. Officer Shaughnessy explained in depth about the SOU, which has been a concern of the board. Office Shaughnessy advised that every third Thursday of the month he is in training and the schedule reflects that using a part time officer to cover that shift in town. He also explained that the vehicle is not costing the town being stored as there is no heat nor gas paid for by the town. This vehicle is bullet proof and is used for search and rescue as well. Officer Shaughnessy advised there have been several cases which have used the SOU close by. It was also stated that the town is reimbursed for 30 of the 96 hours that is put in annually for training. When this vehicle goes out to other areas, the town is not left uncovered. Officer Shaughnessy read a letter Chief Valiquet received from the State Department of Safety, John J. Barthelmes, Commissioner dated December 28, 2012.

(Letter on file). It was pointed out that Chief Valiquet was president which is a rotating office. Officer Shaughnessy was thanked by the Budget Committee members for a good presentation and explanation of the SOU and its benefits and it was expressed that it would be beneficial if more of the town residents were so informed.

Dick Keller, Chair questioned the Warrant Articles and the possibility of a request for a new cruiser, and since a cruiser was purchased last year, with the consideration of putting the money into the Capital Reserve for a vehicle next year.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief questioned how many towns belong to the SOU to which Officer Shaughnessy advised 27. Chief Goldberg stated that emergency services were covered as well.

Executive Budget – Cheryl Behr handed out format sheets to the board to which Jon Marden advised Department Heads should be encouraged to use them when doing their annual budgets. Included in the format was the Administrator’s hours and salary, calculated on 35 hours weekly at a 9.9% increase including COLA in reply to questions asked by Dick Keller. Also discussed were the bookkeeper’s hours which are 35 hours a week at $18.87 per hour including COLA, as well as the Department’s Secretary at $15.26 per hour including COLA with hours varying with departments. In reply to a question from Dick Keller, Chair there is a Job Description for the bookkeeper position which will be made available to the Budget Committee.

Highway Department – Cheryl Behr advised Barry Wheeler had requested she speak for him. The decision of the budget Committee was that the numbers have changed since the last Selectmen’s meeting and the Highway Department does need to come before the Budget Committee. Hold for now.

Discussion of Budgets since Unapproved by the Selectmen:

Tabled for now were:

Elections (Which the Selectmen had voted on $4,510.00)


Parks and Recreation

Discussion and Vote on:

4650    Library $64,610.

Motion was made by Beth Rodd, to approve the Library Budget, seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried 6-0.

4220    Fire Dept.         $61,500.

Motion was made by George Cilley, to approve the Fire Dept Budget, seconded by Beth Rodd. Discussion concerning the cost of the anticipated generator and if competitive bids were procured to which Chief Goldberg advised no, not at this time. Motion carried 6-0.

4525    Rescue Squad  $70,860.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to approve the Rescue Squad Budget, seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion carried 6-0.

4155    Employee Benefits        $262,617.

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the Employee Benefits Budget, seconded by Beth Rodd. Jon Marden stated these contracts are negotiated without consultation of the Budget Committee. Jon Marden abstained. Motion carried 5-0.

4210    Police Department        $314,252.

Motion was made by Don Jackson to approve the Police Department Budget, seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried 6-0.

4240    Building Department

Beth Rodd suggested this be tabled until after the Selectmen meet next week which was unanimously agreed upon by the board.

4312    Highway Department

Tabled tonight.

4711    Long Term Notes         $31,880.

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the Long Term Notes, seconded by JonMarden. Motion carried 6-0.

4723    Tan Notes        $2,000.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to approve the TAN Notes, seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried 6-0.

Any Other Budget Committee Business to be discussed.

Cheryl Behr advised #4196 – Insurances has increased by $2,900. for Unemployment Compensation. Cheryl will put this on the next Selectmen’s agenda for discussion.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to rescind the previous Budget Committee vote on #4196 Insurances at $67,041.63, seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion carried 6-0.

Discussion if credit should be applied to both Health and Property Liability insurance from LGC to which the reply was yes.

Warrant Article Arrangements:

Cheryl Behr advised she had received some public input regarding arrangements to list Warrant Articles for Town Meeting. One way was to group Capital Reserve Articles in one Warrant Article. The Budget Committee encouraged the Selectmen to control the Warrant placement.

Next Budget Committee meeting will be: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 6:30pm

There being no other business to come before the Budget Committee, meeting adjourned at 7:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley


For an audio file (mp3) of the recording to this meeting, please visit http://bradfordnh.org/mp3/ where they are named according to the date and the organization. Please note that, due to space issues, any recordings may be purged from the website without notice. Files can be saved to your hard drive, by right-clicking the link to the file (from the index list) and using “Save Link As” or “Save File As”.