Budget Committee Minutes 01.03.19

Town of Bradford

Budget Committee Meeting

January 3rd, 2019 Draft Meeting Minutes

Marlene Freyler called the meeting to order at 6:32pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call

Marlene Freyler Chair, Jason Allen Vice Chair, Claire James, Mark Fournier, Cheryl Croto, David Nunnally, Michael James (Select Board Representative),

Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Correspondence Updates:

Old Business:

  1. All pending follow up items are deferred to allow the Budget Committee time to review the draft Operating Budget.

Review of Budget & Expenditures:

Karen provided the Committee with additional details related to budget requests focused on Telephone, Contract Services, Software Support and Computer Supplies and Equipment.

A joint Selectmen/Budget Committee budget review schedule was established to review budget request with various Department Heads and the Committee identified what outstanding questions they would like to review with the various departments.


January 10th – Fire & Rescue and Tax Collector

January 17th – Highway

January 24th – Police Dept

Receipt of Information or Proposals:

  1. Claire James reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan, adopted by the Planning Board, with the Budget Committee. The 2019 CIP includes $133,750 in expenditures, $39,600 in lease payments and $371,000 savings in trust for a total expenditure in 2019 of $544,350, which does not include any offsetting revenue. The total tax impact was identified as a $.17 increase/$1,000. Claire lead discussion on the process the CIP Committee used to update the plan and reviewed the projects included.

Follow up items:

  • Claire will confirm whether Town would need to have the Town’s 20% contribution for the Main Street Improvement Fund in hand before being eligible to receive the 80% grant funding requested.
  • Michael will discuss having departments establish some type of asset register/inventory log with the other Select Board members.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to support the 2019 Capital Improvement Plan

Second: Dave Nunnally

Vote: 7-0 in favor

Minutes from the December 20th meeting were reviewed by the Committee.


Motion: Jason Allen motioned to accept

Second: Marc Fournier

Vote: 6-0 in favor, Dave Nunnally abstained

Future Business:

  1. The next Budget Committee meeting will be held January 10th at 6:30pm and will continue to be held weekly through the budget process.

Motion: Dave Nunnally motioned to adjourn at 9:40pm

Second: Claire James

Vote: 7-0 in favor


Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn