Budget Committee Minutes 01.04.11

JANUARY 4, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Gary Wall, Chair opened the meeting at 7:00pm with Don Jackson, Chris Aiken, Dick Keller, George Cilley, Beth Rodd arrived at 7:10pm. Peter Fenton, Selectmen Representative and Marge Cilley, Secretary arrived at 7:25pm after the Selectmen’s meeting.

Gary Wall wished to take a moment to reflect on all those who could not be home to enjoy the holidays with their families, who are overseas and elsewhere protecting our freedom. We hope they will have a quick and safe return in 2011.

Review and Consideration of the Minutes of December 21, 2010:

Motion was made by Don Jackson to accept the minutes as written. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried 5-0.

Ed Shaughnessy, Officer re: Police Dept. Budget:

Ed Shaughnessy, Police Officer came before the Budget Committee to discuss their 2011 budget.

Secretary’s hours increased due to the COPS Grant extra paper work.

On Call and Overtime hours and money were discussed at length.

SOU-(Central NH Special Operations Unit) discussed with no money being requested this year.

Police Equipment would be anything that is needed on the belt, that is not part of the uniform was explained by Officer Shaughnessy.

Radios have been short handed in recent years. Gas and Oil prices going up and there is 24 hour coverage now with Bradford Police. State Police are not being used now.

Vehicle transmission problem still ongoing after paying $1800, for service which could be credited towards a new one per Ed Shaughnessy.

Protective Vests were purchased last year at a price of $750.00 a piece. They expire every five years. It was stated that the COPS Grant money comes in quarterly.

Ed Shaughnessy pointed out that the budget as presented by the Police Dept. was an increase of 8.87%, but when the COPS Grant money comes in, it will be 16% less then the 2010 budget. The money anticipated from the COPS Grant offset is $ 46,081.48.

Don Jackson questioned Cheryl Behr, Administrator if the figures are year end to which she responded, they are not final.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent came before the Budget Committee to explain some of the questions regarding the Highway Budget.

Contract Services was discussed and Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised he did not do all he had hoped to do last year. Some work to be done is road widening, pumping out of catch basins, putting gravel shoulders back on the paved roads. Selectmen advised the purchase of a trailer was voted on tonight to come out of the 2011 highway budget. It was stated that all equipment should have radios.

It was stated that retro reflective signs need to be in place by a certain time, at least the plans need to be in place per Homeland Security.

Rental Equipment was discussed.

George Cilley stated the town has no more roads, no more people, but the budget is up over one hundred thousand dollars, and the people cannot afford it. Dick Keller interjected the highway budget is up nearly 17%. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent stated that the price of fuel is up, pushing everything else higher.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator brought up the Budget Committee Supplemental Schedule for Calculating the 10% Maximum Increase Rule per RSA 32:18, 19, & 32:21. It was stated that automobile registrations have decreased every year over the last three years.

Jon Marden brought up Equipment Rental for the Highway Department and why do we need $25,000 this year? If a grader or back-hoe get turned down, then it will need to be rented was explained. Discussion ensued. Gary Wall advised the Rescue Squad will be asked to come into the next Budget Meeting.

Marcia Keller reiterated that every town seems to have to have everything and perhaps should work together and consider regionalization.

Dust control was brought up by Gary Wall, Chair. and there will be a Warrant Article for $11,000.

Next Meeting is scheduled for: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 7:00pm.

Meeting Adjourned 8:40pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary.