Budget Committee Minutes 01.09.13



JANUARY 9, 2013


Call to Order and Roll Call

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order with Don Jackson, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, Will Hurley, George Cilley, Beth Rodd, Jon Marden, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Review and Consideration of January 3, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the January 3rd minutes as presented. Seconded by Jon Marden. Will Hurley abstained. Motion carried 6-0.

Remaining Operating Budgets for Consideration:

4130    Executive          $127,802.

Dick Keller, Chair advised he is concerned about some of the contents in the Executive Budget and would like to reduce it by $6,314.00 and would look for a motion to do that. Motion was made by Jon Marden, Seconded by Don Jackson. In reply to a question, Dick Keller, Chair advised one of his concerns is the 9.9% increase for the Administrator and 5% for the bookkeeper. With the economy, feels it would be hard to be accepted at Town Meeting. Motion defeated 7-0.

Motion was made by Jon Marden to approve the $127,802 Executive Budget, seconded by Will Hurley. After much discussion, Jon Marden withdrew his motion and Will Hurley withdrew his second.

This is tabled until next week’s meeting. Dick Keller, Chair brought up the Secretaries rate of pay which was discussed at length.

4140    Elections           $4,510.00

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to approve Elections at $4,510.00. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried 7-0.

4196    Insurance          $78,539.68

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve Insurance at $69,942. Seconded by Don Jackson. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by George Cilley to amend 4196 – Insurance by increase of $8,658.37 to new total of $78,539.68. Motion seconded by Don Jackson. Motion carried 7-0.

4240    Building Dept.

Hold for now

4312    Highway Department    $384,230.00

Motion was made by Jon Marden to approve the Highway Department Budget at $384,230.00. Seconded by Don Jackson.

Motion carried 6-0. Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative abstained.

4441    Welfare

Tabled for now.

4520    Parks and Rec  $2,000.00

Tabled for now.

4583    Patriotic Purposes         $14,500.00

Motion was made by Will Hurley to approve Patriotic Purposes.

Seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion carried 7-0.

Warrant Articles:

Cheryl Behr had presented the Budget Committee with a suggested outline of how the Warrants could be set up for Town Meeting, with all Capital Reserves listed together with the exception of Salt and Fuel which would be listed separately.

Dick Keller, Chair asked Harry Wright, Chair Selectmen if the Selectmen could take action on some of the articles next week.

The Bond Hearing on February 18 could be joint with the Town Hall Restoration.

Vacancies coming up on the Budget Committee this year is Don Jackson and George Cilley.

Next Budget Committee Meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday Jan. 16, 2013

At 6:30pm.

There being no other business to come before the Committee, meeting adjourned 8:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
