Budget Committee Minutes 01.10.19

Town of Bradford
Budget Committee Meeting
January 10th, 2019 Draft Meeting Minutes

Marlene Freyler called the meeting to order at 6:30pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Marlene Freyler Chair, Jason Allen Vice Chair, Claire James, Mark Fournier, Cheryl Croto, Michael James (Select Board Representative),

Select Board members John Pfeifle & Jim Bibbo, Town Administrator Karen Hambleton

David Nunnally absent

Correspondence Updates:
1. Minutes from the January 3rd meeting were reviewed by the Committee.
Motion: Marc Fournier motioned to accept
Second: Jason Allen
Vote: 6-0 in favor

Old Business:
1. All pending follow up items are deferred to allow the Budget Committee time to review the draft Operating Budget.
Review of Budget & Expenditures:
1. Melissa Cloutier, Tax Collector/Town Clerk appeared and reviewed her 2019 Budget with the Committee. Melissa will follow up with the Budget Committee if she determines there are concerns with the increase in postage costs effective January 27th, 2019.

2. Fire Chief Mark Goldberg appeared to review the Fire Department budget. The budget request included a $37,000 year over year increase driven primarily by a $35,000 request, which will be moved to a Warrant Article. Chief Goldberg will be retiring in the spring and the $35,000 increase is to support the hiring of a part-time Fire Chief and per diem for Fire Department personnel. The Chief was asked to attend the next Select Board meeting to discuss his recommendations.

The Chief expressed concerns that the Fire Department budget would likely increase in future years as a new Chief may be more stringent ensuring inspections and replacement cycles are met. He has also experienced a decrease in volunteerism and felt more compensation may be required to maintain a department.

3. Captain Carl Goldberg was in attendance to review the Rescue Departments budget. John Pfeifle questioned why the departments spending increases at the end of the year. Carl and Mark provided feedback that the budget demands are driven by call activity, over which they have no control, so they hold off purchasing essential items until the end of the year and only purchase what is necessary from their remaining budget amounts.
John expressed concerns with departments spending their remaining budgets at the end of the year. The Select Board needs to balance budget spending to cover areas of the budget that may have exceeded 100% of their budget with dollars from departments that have under spent.
4. Karen provided the Committee with follow up answers to items the Committee had questions about during the previous meeting.

Additional follow up items:
o Karen will forward a copy of the Telephone bill
o Karen will forward a copy of the Henniker Rescue Service billing

5. The Committee and Selectmen requested the Library attend the January 24th meeting to discuss their budget submission.

Receipt of Information or Proposals:

1. Karen provided detail to support the Assessment, Contract Services and Computer Repair budget lines for Committee review.
Future Business:
1. The next Budget Committee meeting will be held January 17th at 6:30pm and will continue to be held weekly through the budget process.
2. The Budget Committee will vote on their proposed 2019 Budget January 31st and will hold a Public Hearing on February 7th, 2019 with the community.
Motion: Marc Fournier motioned to adjourn at 9:08pm.
Second: Jason Allen
Vote: 6-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn