Budget Committee Minutes 01.11.11

JANUARY 11, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Gary Wall, Chair opened the meeting at 7:04 with Don Jackson, Chris Aiken, Dick Keller, Beth Rodd, Peter Fenton, Selectmen Representative, and George Cilley present. Also present was Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary arrived at 8:40pm.

Gary Wall suggested they take a moment to reflect on the victims, survivors and families of the tragedy in Tucson. May their survivors heal swiftly.

Review and Consideration of January 4, 2011 Minutes:

Motion was made by Dick Keller to accept the minutes with typo’s being corrected. Seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion carried 7-0.

Budget Proposal from the Rescue Squad:

Question on line item #1208 regarding the fica match listed which should be per diem figure. Rich Branch explained the per diem would consist of Monday through Fridays to cover the town from 6:00am to 6:00pm full time people needed to be hired, for one hundred six thousand eight hundred dollars ($106,080.00). A meeting with Henniker was canceled before Christmas, and no other has been held at this time. Mr. Branch advised the per diem fee would be for two men, 12 hour days, five days a week per man at an hourly wage of $17.00 per hour. This is a replacement for volunteers who are not coming forward advised Mark Goldberg.

It was stated that the $30,808.23 balance in the Rescue Budget showing on the Dec. 20, 2010 worksheet would probably be zero after taking out the December payroll, safety gear, telephone, gas, and supplies per Richard Branch. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised Henniker will cover Bradford if they cannot make the call.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised if we were able to go with Henniker, they would get the billing rights, the training and some kind of stipend. Much discussion ensued.

Beth Rodd questioned how many calls were made to the Rescue Squad last year to which she was told they had 212 calls and 106 transports.

Dick Keller asked if the Budget Committee went back to last year’s budget, how would the rescue squad operate. Rich Branch responded that they would use the money until it was gone, then probably bring the keys down to the Selectmen. Again, Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief reiterated they are waiting to hear from Henniker, and New London consultant is not coming back until September. Gary Wall inquired if something did work out with either Henniker or New London, what figures on the Rescue budget would it directly affect? Rich Branch advised it would affect the per diem’s stipends and range of options say from day coverage to 24/7 it would affect gasoline, paramedic intercepts, it wouldn’t affect certifications, continue education, but could affect oxygen and supplies.

At this time, Gary Wall asked if there are any more constructive questions for the Rescue Squad at this time? Jon Marden asked for clarification of the $106,080 for per diem. This was calculated at 120 hours a week for 52 weeks a year at $17.00 per hour.

Schedule Requirements for the Budget Committee:

The last day to post notice of public hearing on the budget is February 4, 2011.

The last day to hold first public hearing on budget is February 11, 2011. (25 days before meeting)

Last day for budget committee to deliver budget and warrant article recommendations to selectpersons for posting (20days before meeting) February 16, 2011.

Last day to post warrant and budget form for annual meeting is February 21, 2011.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that as soon as the last petitions are in and the budget committee has put their recommendations on everything she can type it up and make it available for the public. The MS7 form needs to be signed by the Budget Committee and the Selectmen.

Any other Budget Committee Business:

Dick Keller handed out a sheet with 2011 Budget Projections and discussed the individual items and explaining per cent reductions in many areas. One area discussed was the Rescue Squad and the per diem coverage. Don Jackson interjected that one of the frustrations he has is that he gets the sense that the Selectmen, Rescue and Fire Depts. are not inviting themselves into the discussion with Henniker or New London, but are sitting back waiting, and personally do not think that is the right position. Dick Keller concurred. Peter Fenton, Selectmen stated he knows that verbally New London has stated they will not come down and cover Bradford. Gary Wall stated that a formal request would be answered with a formal response. Cheryl Behr, Administrator asked Dick Keller if he had anything in writing from New London to which he answered no, but he did give the information to the Selectmen and there was no continuation. Gary Wall suggested a direct communication to the consortium would get a response. Peter Fenton, Selectmen advised he will check with Mark Goldberg to see if he has anything in writing from New London Hospital. Beth Rodd suggested if nothing in writing has come from the town of Bradford or received by the town maybe this is the time to do it. Peter Fenton Selectman advised he will check on it and see if something in writing can be obtained. Also, Peter Fenton suggested that either way, he suggests the budget committee leave the money in the Rescue Squad’s budget.

Don Jackson stated that he does want to see the best service we can have for the town, but he also wants to see the committee be financially wise in what is approved. Jon Marden, public input, suggested checking into a 10 hour day from 12 hours for the per diem employees for the Rescue Squad. Where does most of the exposure come from? If the town can be convinced that this is the best that we can do with the most risk we are willing to tolerate that line could be accepted whatever that is. The Selectmen and Budget Committee should try to come up with a target number that can go to the town.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator explained that if the budget is cut and the $90,000 is voted back in for the Rescue Squad, that is more than10% of the entire budget and nothing voted after that point will not be funded, which can be anywhere from the Transfer Station, every Warrant Article. That is 10% of the total Budget or $180,000 from a million eight budget.

The Bement Bridge roof is discussed at length.

The Community Center budget was discussed and the Town’s people need to decide this. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the time study sheets showing what sort of functions are done there, and on the basis of these, the Selectmen moved forward.

Mention was made that NFI is trying to become tax exempt, claiming they are a charitable organization.

George Cilley made a statement that over the past three years, the budget committee has been a rubber stamp, the numbers have been read, the vote has been taken, with hardly ever a question from the Budget Committee. A presented budget is set in stone with no questions, and he feels that no budget put together stands that test. Gary Wall allowed this Budget Committee has been asking lots of questions.

The Police Cruiser transmission problem was brought up by George Cilley. Peter Fenton, Selectmen advised the oil that was being scraped was fresh oil that had just been changed. It was stated that the Highway Dept. is not equipped to do transmission work on vehicles. More discussion ensued.

All Warrant Articles are in with the exception of any Petitions.

Gary Wall suggested the next meeting be scheduled very soon and go over every item one more time. The Budget is set at a 1% increase over last year, but can be reconsidered and discussed page by page. Also the Warrant Articles will be gone over by the Budget Committee.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the 10% Rule is the total of the approved Budget Committee budget, operating and Warrant Articles.

Don Jackson concurs that the Budget Committee should go through the Budget, one Department at a time. The 1% was a target, a target that appears not to be do-able and however it comes out a judgement can be made at that time.

Chris Aiken questioned how is the Selectmen leaning on the Grader/Backhoe. Peter Fenton, Selectman advised purchasing the two together would get a better price, and the Selectmen have decided the lease/purchase is the way they want to go.

It was stated that the tax rate calculation is for every $219,000 there is a $1.00 tax increase.

Next meeting is scheduled for: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 7:00pm.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn t 9:20pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley